

Authorship Law 2

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206ATR2 ZK 3 2/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

A presentation of license contract issues with practical examples and collective management of copyright. Analysis of the rights of relatives to copyrights, i.e., primarily performing artists, recording and audio-visual recording rights. An outline of international contract content regarding copyright protection and a presentation of European Union rights, i.e., community rights in intellectual rights protection areas.

Mode of study:

- lectures

- classes with guests in the profession

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

206ATR1 - Autorské právo 1

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

- general introduction to the application of copyright in theatre stagings

- drama texts in theatre stagings

- architectural and creative works including light design in theatre stagings

- choreographic and pantomime works in theatre stagings

- incidental music

- muscial drama works

- issues of notation material

- performing artists in theatre stagings

- photographic works acquired from theatre stagings

- theatre program issues

- audio or audio-visual recording of a theatre staging

- practical contract issues

- collective management of copyright

- collective management systems in the Czech Republic

- international contracts and agreements regarding copyright

- Commuity law in the EU

- comparison of Czech copyright law with regulations of European countries

- license agreements with foreign elements

- consideration of „de lege ferenda“.

In the instruction is planned lectures by professional guests - ex., Mgr. Petra Ostrouchova - issues of audio-visual works, president of the Copyright Protection Association (OSA), topic - issues of collective management of rights of musical works with text and without, and the director of INTERGRAM, issues of collective managment of performing artists rights and producers of audio and audio-visual recordings.

Recommended or required reading:

Kříž, Jan; Holcová, Irena; Kordač Jiří; Křesťanová Veronika: „Autorský zákon a předpisy související-komentář“, Linde Praha,a.s. 2005

Telec, Ivo; Tůma Pavel: „Autorský zákon, komentář“, C.H.Beck,Praha 2007

Chaloupková, Helena; Svobodová, Hana; Holý, Petr: „Autorský zákon, komentář“, C.H.Beck, Praha 2001

-Holub,Milan; Fiala,Josef; Borovský Jaroslav: „Občanský zákoník-poznámkové vydání s judikaturou“, Linde Praha,a.s.,2000

-Srstka, Jiří: „Autorské právo v divadle“, nakladatelství AMU 2006

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

The instruction core is comprise of theory lectures. Also planned are classes with guest professionals - ex: Mgr. Petra Ostrouchova,(Audiovisual piece issues), President of the board of the Copyright Protection Association (OSA), (Issues in collective copyrights management of music with and without lyrics). Director of INTERGRAM (issues in sound and video-sound recording producers and performing artists collective copyright management).

Assessment methods and criteria:

Oral exam over the discussed instruction material

Course web page:
Further information:
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
místnost S201
Hallerův sál

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 12:45–14:15 SRSTKA J. Hallerův sál
Karlova 26, Praha 1
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at