

Graduation Theses Project 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206PDI2 ZK 10 10/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The course aim is to help students select a topic, assemble a schedule for completion, advise on how to procede in the bibliography and practical research, how to manage the acquired materials and how to arrange and lay it out. Then in individual and group consultations, the instructors of the given master's specialization assist in achieving the established research aims.

Mode of study:

- classes, individual consultations, independent research.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

206PID1, Diploma Project 1.

Recommended optional programme components:

It is recommended that the student, according to their topic, actively search for a nd participate in lectures at other higher education institutes, professional seminars, ex. professional organizations or conferences related to the given issues.

Course contents:

This course covers individual research and practice tasks for the thesis paper and students mutually inspire one another with the sharing of questions and issues. Aside from this the classes are based on individual consultations focused on resolving particular problems of individual papers.

Recommended or required reading:

ECO, U.: Jak napsat diplomovou práci

Divadelní producentství:

ADORNO, Theodor W.: Schéma masové kultury, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 2009

ADORNO, Theodor W., HORKHEIMER Max: Dialektika osvícenství, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 2009

ARENDTOVÁ Hannah: Krize kultury, Mladá fronta, Praha, 1994

BENJAMIN, Walter: Umělecké dílo ve věku své technické reprodukovatelnosti, in Výbor z díla I, Literárněvědné studie, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 2009

HABERMAS, Jürgen: Strukturální přeměna veřejnosti, Filosofia, Praha, 2000

NÜNNING, Ansgar (ed.): Lexikon teorie literatury a kultury, Host, Brno, 2008

Arts management a arts marketing:

BYRNES, William J., Management and the Arts, 3. vyd., Focal Press, 2003,ISBN: 0-240-80537-2

KOTLER, Philip, SCHEFF, Joanne, Standing room only, Harvard Bussiness school press 1997, ISBN: 0-87584-737-4

SCHEFF BERNSTEIN, Joanne: Arts Marketing Insights: the dynamics of building and retaining performing arts audiences, San Francisco 2007, ISBN: 978-0-7879-7844-0

COLBERT, Francois: Marketing culture and the arts, Montreal 2007, ISBN: 978-2-9808602-1-8

DVOŘÁK, Jan: Kreativní management pro divadlo, Praha, 2004, ISBN: 80-86102-53-X

DVOŘÁK, Jan: Malý slovník managementu divadla, Praha 2004, ISBN: 80-86102-49-1

FREY, Petr: Marketingová komunikace: to nejlepší z nových trendů, Praha, 2008, ISBN: 978-80-7261-160-7

JOHNOVÁ, Radka: Marketing umění a kulturního dědictví, Praha 2007, ISBN: 978-80-245-1276-1

KAISER, Michael M.: Strategické plánování v umění: praktický průvodce, Praha 2009, ISBN: 978-80-7008-236-2

KAISER, Michael M.: The Art of the Turnaround: Creating and Maintaining Healthy Arts Organizations, Brandeis University Press, 2008, ISBN 978-1584657354

KESNER, Ladislav: Marketing a management muzeí a památek, Praha 2005, ISBN: 80-247-1104-4

KOTLER, Philip: Standing room only: strategies for marketing the performing arts, Boston 1997, ISBN 0-87584-737-4

NEWMAN, Danny: Subscribe Now!: Building Arts Audiences Through Dynamic Subscription Promotion, Theatre Resource Group, ISBN: 978-09-3045-201-8

HAGOORT, Giep: Umělecký managment v podnikatelském stylu, AMU, edice DISK 2009. ISBN 978-80-7437-008-3

SYNEK, M. a kol.: Manažerská ekonomika, Grada Publishing, a. s., Praha 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1992-4

SYNEK, M. a kol.: Podniková ekonomika, C. H. Beck, Praha 2006. ISBN 80-7179-892-4

REKTOŘÍK, J. a kol.: Organizace neziskového sektoru, základy ekonomiky, teorie a řízení, EKOPRESS, s. r. o., Praha 2007. ISBN 978-80-86929-25-5

GREGORINI, Bedřich , GREGORINI, Jindřich, SRSTKA, Jiří : Základy divadelní činnosti Praha : AMU 2007, ISBN 78-80-73331-093-6

VÍTEK, Svetozar: Řízení a organizace divadla Praha : Stát. pedag. nakl. 1986, 17-038-86

KOTLER,Philip: Marketing Managment Analýza, plánování, realizace a kontrola, Victoria Publishing 1991, ISBN 80-85605-08-2

HENDRYCH, Dušan a kolektiv: Správní právo, nakladatelství C.H.Beck, 7.vydání, Praha 2009

ŠVESTKA, Jiří a kolektiv: Občanské právo hmotné 1-3, nakladatelství ASPI, Praha 2009

Zákony ve znění pozdějších předpisů:

218/2000 Sb. Zákon o rozpočtových pravidlech a změně některých souvisejících zákonů (rozpočtová pravidla)

219/2000 Sb. Zákon o majetku České republiky

320/2001 Sb. Zákon o finanční kontrole

137/2006 Sb. Zákon o veřejných zakázkách

563/1991 Sb. Zákon o účetnictví

499/2004 Sb. Zákon o archivnictví a spisové službě

586/1992 Sb . Zákon o dani z příjmů

235/2004 Sb. Zákon o DPH

248/1995 Sb. Zákon o obecně prospěšných společnostech

563/1991 Sb. Zákon o účetnictví

Vyhláška 504/2002 Sb., kterou se provádějí některá ustanovení zákona č. 563/1991 Sb., o účetnictví

Vyhláška 500/2002 Sb., „ dtto “

Vyhláška 505/2002 Sb., „ dtto “

Vyhláška 507/2002 Sb., „ dtto “

České účetní standardy č. 401 - 414

+ odborné zdroje relevantní k přidělenému tématu dle doporučení pedagogů předmětu

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Discussion class on individual topics

Group on-going consultations

Individual consultations

Independent research.

Assessment methods and criteria:

To successfully complete the course the following is necessary:

On-going consultations on work with a specific instructor and participation in the group classes.

At the close of the semester is an obligatory oral presentation with the following criteria:

- Each student presents the conclusions of their year-long master's research in which they resolved issues, consulted and completed or prepared for completion the thesis

- Presentation length requirement - 15 - 20 min. and the content is a summary of acquired knowledge and derived conclusions and information about the paper writing process;

- formal quality of the presentation is along with content is subject to the final grading of the course;

- afer the presentation of the topic the student moderates the subsequent discussion which does not exceed 20 minutes. The manner of discussion moderation is part of the students performance grade.

NO LATER THAN ONE MONTH BEFORE the public presentation date (published on the dept's. webpages) the student uploads to the network server written annotations for the work presented in the extent of 600-1000 characters, which will be printed in the presentation program;

NO LATER THAN ONE WEEK BEFORE the presentation date the student upload electronically to the network server the final project report maintaining the following:

Extent: 12-15 standard page coherent essay text + addenda

Required content sections:

1. Justification of topic selection, measure of personal relationshop to the selected topic

2. Establishment of the research tasks (project aim, limits, justification)

3. Project Plan (stages, methods)

4. Description of individual stages of the project and their partial results

5. Special research (theory basics, sources, selected methodologies)

6. Final paper, evaluation of measure of fulfillment of established aims

In place of a final report, it is possible to present the thesis in its final form.

A merging of all submitted materials into one is preferred in PDF format.

NO LATER THAN ONE DAY BEFORE the presentation date the student uploads electronically to the network server the prepared presentation in presentation software or at least basic contributions in the extent of 3 standard pages.

At the close of the presentation, the testing committee grades the quality of the submitted report, (If a thesis, then only the conclusions and not the formal aspects) executed presentation and to date course of the work on the project and issues a grade to the student. Though this is a main study course, THE EXAM MAY NOT BE REPEATED.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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