

Festival dramaturgy

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
300MFDR Z 1 3/S summer
Subject guarantor:
Pavel JECH, Jakub Felcman
Name of lecturer(s):
Pavel JECH, Jakub Felcman
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Mode of study:
Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Recommended optional programme components:
Žádné další nepovinné vzdělávací složky.
Course contents:

67th Festival de Cannes 2014 - Festival Strategies Case Study

A part of a free-formed series of film festival studies lectures, the Festival de Cannes Case Study lecture comes right after the announcement of the 67th Festival de Cannes Official Selection, the 53rd Semaine de la critique Cannes and the Quinzaine des Realisateurs Cannes Line-Ups. Therefore the very shape of the forthcoming annual of the events is to become the center topic. We aim nevertheless to present and discuss the organization, stratification, politics, program, history of the festival and its side sections as a whole. The lecture is about to be discussed from the point of view of a film author/producer who wants to use the festival for his own purposes, and from the perspective of a festival curator/programmer/organizer who needs to work with the Festival de Cannes as his upmost reference. How to submit and present a film. What is important and what is not. When to start to work with your film while aiming for a festival selection. How does the festival programmer think - and how to take advantage of it.

Recommended or required reading:

67th Festival de Cannes Main Press Release

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Presence + 1 page „distribution sheet“ of a selected film written in English for the purposes of the film´s presentation while submitting for film festivals

Course web page:
Further information:
This course is an elective for all AMU students
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
25.04.2014 13:00–14:30 Felcman J. Učebna 1
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at