

The Godfather I analysis

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
300MTGI Z 1 15/S English summer
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Instructor: Giovanni Robbiano,coordinator Pavel Jech

Date and time: Friday , April 15 and Saturday April16, 2011,9:30 ?17(lunch break 12:30 ? 14),

FAMU room 1, in english

Assignement: 1 credit for 100%participation

The Godfather I analysis

By Giovanni Robbiano, screenwriter, director, producer; Professor, University of Genova, Italy

April 15-16, FAMU, Room U1

Friday, April 15

9.30 - 17.00 (lunch break 12.30 - 14.00)

Saturday, April 16

9.30 - 17.00 (lunch break 12.30 - 14.00)

Few films can reveal film language, structure, purpose and elements of film such as Francis Ford Coppola's „godfather“, tragic epic about the Corleone's mob family in postwar USA. A movie portraying so many issues and characters to fill a dozen good films, yet so beautifully constructed and crafted to become a landmark in film history, one of the most acclaimed, successful and fascinating films ever, as well as for our purposes, one of the most analyzed „texts“: excellent study material for any aspiring filmmaker.

After a previous screening of the film we will get back to some of the sequences in detail and examine character's nature, motivation, predicament as well as story development, plot, implication, and the overall movies' thrust: the power of change and the consequences of this force.

NB: Participants are asked to view the movie in advance; screening of the movie in full length is not part of the module.

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Generated on 2014-06-18
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