

Screenwriting Seminar 3

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
301SS3 Z 2 3/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim, above all, is the time selection of a full-length adaptation which part of the gradual assignment for the third year. At the end of the semester the student must submit a large adaptation project nad present its point to the entire department. The semester assignment is a short adaptation. The instructor assigns a story which all students adapt according to their own abilities and together, under the supervision of the instructor, create the dramaturgy.

Mode of study:

In-class practice

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Main course in the second year. Maximum engagement is required.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

The aim of the course is primarily the timely selection of a work for a feature-length adaptation which is the preliminary task of the 3rd year Bachelor's study and must be presented at the end of the semester in a forum before the entire department. The semester assignment is a short adaptation. The instructor assigns a story which all students adapt according to their abilities and under the guidance of the instructor, create the dramaturgy. The course is a moderated discussion about classic adaptations (ex: J. Němec, F. Vláčil), and, primarily, about models and successful and unsuccessful adaptation project which emerged at the Department of Screenwriting and Script-editing in the past and cultivation of short adapation dramaturgy.

Recommended or required reading:

ARISTOTELES: Poetika. Praha: Oikoymenh, 2008

MRAVCOVÁ Marie: Literatura ve filmu. Praha: Melantrich,1990

MRAVCOVÁ Marie: Od Oidipa k Francouzově milence. Praha: NFA,2001

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

The instructor foremost guides students in an intensive search for bases for a feature-length adaptation and subequent contact with the head workshop instructor. Literary work film adaptation examples are screened. Discussion about successful and reviewed projects from the previous study year are held and at the same time each year a different narrative is assigned for a short adaptation group project. The group basis allows a development of intensive mutual dramaturgy and on-going inspiration within the study year.

Assessment methods and criteria:

75% attendance, active prepared participation in discussions, 2 defended versions of a short adaptation, a long adaptation project (motiv).

Course web page:

No note.

Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
místnost 432
Učebna KSD 432

(Lažanský palác)
(paralelka 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 09:50–12:15 DUFEK J. Učebna KSD 432
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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