

Collective seminar RSP 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
302PRS2 Z 1 12/D Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Learning the basics of working with a director, screenwriter and producer in shooting a simple exercise in a given location with minimum equipment.

Mode of study:

1) selection of etudes or independent texts

2) staff teamwork on a project

3) comparison of group dramaturgy through presentation and open discussion.

4) Consultation and meeting with the instructor - presentation of instructor experience.

5) selection of appropriate project for completion

6) film shooting.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No requirements.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

Combined seminar for topic selection, preparations and possible completion of common exercises in short film with a recommended length of 10 minutes.KSD students (editorial board, entrusted by the study year's students) select a determined number of exercises which the students wrote in the first year of ZS (Basic School). 16 exercises are offered, with 2 from each writer, but with the agreement of the writer the number may be lower. In place of completed exercises the screenwriter may apply a new independent text. The texts will be presented by the writers at the combined seminar. Student from each department select from a reduced number of exercises - topics which may continue to the next phase of work. The recommended number is 4 to 8. The producers have the opportunity (but not obligation) to select a topic with which they will become involved. There will be a determined number of projects for which the producer will form a staff. This staff will consist of, besides the producer, the director, screenwriter ( if possible not the writer of the topic), and dramaturgist. Some functions may be shared by multiple students. The team will work together in literary script modification, technical script, calculation, proposed casting and motif phases - the whole production. In the combined seminar the work reviewed for its collective dramaturgic form of presentation and openly discussed.

Each student (upon agreement of the professor) will then select a project most appropriate for completion. Selected projects, that is those which best fullfil the requirements and formal merits and economy of completion, with the recommendation of the seminar professor will compete for financing by FAMU internal grant. The selection committee of VG FAMU will decide about completion of the project independent of the leaders of the seminar. No other option (for example: sharing in common exercises in the expansion of the Bile knize (white book)) is available. The financial situation of the Faculty does not permit this. Any form of participation in the subsequent completion of the project later is possible and welcomed (actors, services, all types of support).

Recommended or required reading:

Recommended literature:

(books are available at the FAMU Library)

Drvota, Mojmír: Základní složky filmu, Praha 1994

Kučera, Jan: Kniha o filmu, Orbis, Praha 1941

Kučera, Jan: Základy střihové skladby / Střihová a zvuková skladba filmu I, II

Reisz, Karl: Umění filmového střihu, ÚPF, Praha 1962

M. Čechov: O herecké technice

David J. Novotný: Chcete psát scénář?

L.V. Kulešov: Základy filmové režie

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

1) výběr etud či nezávislého textu

2) společná týmová práce štábu na projektech

3) konfrontace s kolektivní dramaturgií formou prezentace a otevřené diskuze

4) konzultace a porada s pedagogem - předávání praktických zkušeností pedagoga

5) výběr vhodných projektů k realizaci

6) natočení filmu

Assessment methods and criteria:

100% attendance in classes + shooting of the group short film.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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