

Television in an International Comparison

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
305TMS Z 2 12/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Knowledge of the organization system and structure of TV broadcast in large media markets (USA, UK, Germnay, France, Italy, etc) and in neighbouring countries (Slovaka, Poland, Austria) including the European TV broadcast framework, particularly EU directives, „TV without borders“. A good orientation in international television broadcast among the pivotal TV world players in the industry and related business.

Mode of study:

Directed dialogues, audio-visual examples, analyses and studies.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Achievement of bachelor's level education. Active participation in class. Completion of the class paper on a given topic.

Recommended optional programme components:

In travelling abroad, a good orientation in the local TV broadcast offerings is recommended, self-study of international media law.

Course contents:

1) The dual broadcasting system in the Czech Republic as a variation on the European model, the history of its nascent and introduction in the Czech Republic. Regulation and supervisory organs in radio and TV broadcast issues in the Czech Republic and abroad.

2) Media legislation, organizations their functions and jurisdiction.

3) The position of broadcast public service in European countries. Comparison with the situation in the Czech Republic (Past, present and potential perspectives).

4) The history of the nascent and development of commercial broadcast in European countries. Comparison with the Czech Republic.

5) TV Broadcaster feedback, its forms and potential. Viewing research and their methods.

6) European legislation regarding TV broadcast and related activities (broadcast standards basics, European audio-visual policy, European quotas and independent creations, and the like).

7) The relationship of TV and Cinematography in a historical perspective and in the present, including the Czech Republic.

8) The TV environment in Great Britain as a measure of public service and the regulation of TV broadcast, the history and present.

9) TV in the USA, history and present.

10) TV in Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavia; various types of the dual TV and radio broadcast model.

11) TV in post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania)

12) Possible directions of TV development in the future, current trends in the world.

Recommended or required reading:

Ročenky České televize 1992-2002, Zprávy Rady ČR pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání (, )

Šmíd, Milan: Veřejnoprávní a soukromé televize v některých evropských zemích. Studie zpracovaná pro Parlamentní institut, 2004 (dostupné na )

Šmíd, Milan: Média, internet, tv nova a já, Praha 2000

Výroční zprávy Ministerstva kultury o stavu české kinematografie.

Filmové ročenky Národního filmového Ročenky České televize 1992-2002, Zprávy Rady ČR pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání (, )

Šmíd, Milan: Veřejnoprávní a soukromé televize v některých evropských zemích. Studie zpracovaná pro Parlamentní institut, 2004 (dostupné na )

Šmíd, Milan: Média, internet, tv nova a já, Praha 2000


Šmíd, Milan: Televize ve světě, Edice Čs.televize, Praha 1989, heslo Velká Británie

Scannel, Paddy: BBC - včera, dnes a zítra. In: Svět televize 1/94, str.3-32

Zákon č. 231/2001 Sb., o provozování rozhlasového a televizního vysílání, ze dne 17. května 2001, v platném znění

Zákon ČNR č. 483/1991 Sb., o České televizi, ze dne 7. listopadu 1991, v platném znění

Media Ownership and Its Impact on Media Independence and Pluralism. Studie o médiích východní Evropy (dostupná na

Směrnice EU Televize bez hranic 1989/1997 (viz

Šmíd, Milan: Veřejnoprávní a soukromé televize v některých evropských zemích. Studie zpracovaná pro Parlamentní institut, 2004, dostupné na

Evropská úmluva o televizi překračující hranice, Rada Evropy 1989-97, In: Zpráva Rady ČR pro R a TV vysílání za rok 1998, příloha č.7 (viz

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Contact instruction. Moderated discussion. Individual student papers on an assigned topic and their in-class presentation. Use of student experience in debates.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Exam: The development of minimally one question in roughly the extent of and at the level of random questions in the State final exam (SZZ). The questions available for selection are announced 10 days in advance.

For assessment attendance and particularly student participation during instruction (semester) are considered.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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