

Movie trailer and its basic principles

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
306MRNF1 Z 2 2/D Czech summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The purpose is to present the basic principles of trailers.

Mode of study:

Friday, March 7, 10:00 - 18:00, classroom U6

Theory, screening of functional trailers, selection of films/genres for making trailers.

Practical 1A: trailer assignment - independent work.

Saturday, March 8, 11:00 - 17:00, 3rd floor, Editing Dept.

Practical 1B: production of the trailer in the editing room.

Practical 2: Working on sound, recording voice overs, sound mix.

Screening of completed trailers.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Students who register for the module must have a basic knowledge of the editing programs Avid, Final Cut or Adobe Primiere.

Recommended optional programme components:

If you have one, please, bring your laptop with the editing software Avid or FinalCut, or another which you know how to use.

Course contents:

This module is focus primarily on the practical of the production of a film trailer. Students have the opportunity to try to make a trailer for a film from any genre and learn the basic principles and rules that need to need to be maintained in the making of a trailer. The experience may be used in the creation of a trailer for their own films or the films of their classmates.

In the theory section students learn what the difference is between a trailer and a teaser. What are the given lengths of attractions and most used trailer structures considerin their history.

We will work with known, foreign films which will be the study material for the exercise.

Recommended or required reading:

Novotný, D. J. Chcete psát scénár?? I. Základy dramaturgie, II. Žánry v hraném filmu. 2. doplnené vydání. Praha: Filmová a TV fakulta Akademie múzických umení v Praze, 2000. 174 s. ISBN 80-85883-52-X

Hediger, V. Verführung zum Film, Der amerikanische Kinotrailer seit 1912, Marburk, Schüren Verlag, 2001. 304 s. ISBN 3-89472-505-2 Prístup také z www: < Hediger_Verfuehrung_zum_Film.pdf>

DVD Coming Attractions - The history of movie trailer, direktors: Michael J. Shapiro, Jeff Werner, Production Co: Andrew J. Kuehn Jr. Foundation, The, Country: USA, Language: English, 2005, stopáž 128 minut

Bakalářská práce: Historie vzniku traileru a jeho základní principy s prihlédnutím k jeho výrobe v období 1920-2009 aneb jak vyrobit dobrý trailer

Webové odkazy:

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

The entire module will be interactive. Students will join in debates and attempt the making of a trailer.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Participation in the module and submission of a completed trailer for a selected film.

Course web page:

Appropriate particularlz for Directing Dept, Editing Dept, Audio Visual Studies Center, and Sound Dept. students (Students from other departments may also participate.)

Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
07.03.2014 10:00–17:00 DORUŠKA T.
paralelka 1
08.03.2014 10:00–17:00 DORUŠKA T.
paralelka 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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