

Photography of Landscape and Architecture 3

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307EFOK3 ZK 3 26/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

This course is focused on working outside using natural light, sharpness, cropping and composition but also ways of considering photography as a media which makes a statement about a location. The course acquaints students with the basic nature of photographic depiction in capturing a space and it's photographic reproduction. The course is focused on landscape photography, based on a familiarity with the history and present of the depicted landscape in painting and photography. The students will be guided in photographic interpretation corresponding to the quality of the location, selected landscape. The practical will devote attention to working with large-format devices, appropriate use of light and potential use of classical or digital techniques. Part of the course is assemblies outside in modules in selected areas.

One of the basic characteristics of photography is its ability to record reality. The transfer of three-dimensional reality - space- to a photographic image has its own nature. In the theory lecture introduction, using examples, the basic nature of the depiction of a photographic space outside will be shown so the students may be able to use it clearly and exploit it properly in their intentions.

The course is focused on:

1/ space - issues in transferring a real landscape and city to a photograph while maintaining the transfer of the colors to a grayscale - space reproduction.

2/ lighting - its fundamental role in building or surpressing the impression of a space, creating the atmosphere of a photo and its overall appearance.

3/ sharpness - blurriness, using field of depth as one of the principles of creating the photographic image.

4/ cropping - cropping considerations (shot frame) of observed reality, location selection, camera lens - composition

5/ composition - arranging photos and their mustual relations, influence on the overall communication

6/ considerations of subject depiction, historical, societal and cultural contexts.

Instruction structure: Each class will have three parts: A short lecture, discussion of the lecture topic or another topic related to landscapes and photography, consultations on photos according to assignment.

Aside from instruction at Tržište, there will be outside assemblies in two modules, one of which will be obligatory for the course students (for acquiring credit). The module topics, for 1st and 2nd year students, will be announced at the beginning of the semester.

Lead instructor lectures will be focused, among others on these topics:

Prinicples of landscape painting and photographic depiction,

Painting and photography - creating the illusion of space,

Comparative methods - as an example of changes in a place and the development of photograph technology,

„My Region - My Home“,

Development of landscape photography and panoramic landscape.

Lectures will be accompanied by image presentations. After the lectures there will be discussions. Part of these discussions will be short (5min.) student lectures on a photography topic with an explanation of their photography concept.

Mode of study:

Aside from in school instruction there will also be a outside assembly and there will be two modules registered for them in which one will be an required elective (upon acquisition of the accompanying credits). The module topics for the 1st and 2nd years will be announced at the beginning of the semester.

The lead instructor's lectures will be focused, among others, on these topics: Principles of artists' and photographic depiction of a space, Painting and photography - creating the illusion of space, Comparative methods - as an example of changes in places and development of photographic technology. „My region - Home region“.

Development of landscape photography and panoramic landscapes. Lecture will be accompanied by image presentations. After the lectures there will be discussions. Part of these discussion will be a short (5min) lecture by students on photography topics with an explanation of their own photography concept.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No knowledge requirements.

Recommended optional programme components:
Žádné další nepovinné vzdělávací složky.
Course contents:

1 / architecture movements - a set of photographs representing the characteristic features of the given object as a particular movement, including exteriors, interiors and the building as a whole in the context of its surroundings. Pictures will be presented in a book or catalogue. The minimum is 8 pages and 8-10 pictures. The topic and implementation will be discussed with the instructor byl the end of the winter semester.

2 / topic photographic events - will be implemented during each semester. Photographs have to be presented and will be evaluated according to the advance rules.

Recommended or required reading:


Aumont, Jacques: Obraz, Akademie múzických umění, Praha 2005

Bárta, J., Helfert, Z., Horníčková, D., Lutterer, I., Dejmal, I., Jůn, L.., Kotalík, J. T.: Letem českým světem 1898/1998, Studio JB, Lomnice nad Popelkou1999

Dejmal, Ivan: Prostor k úvaze, Studio JB, Lomnice nad Popelkou 2008

kolektiv autorů: Tvář naší země ? krajina domova, Studio JB, Lomnice nad Popelkou 2001

kolektiv autorů: Místa hodná paměti, Studio JB, Lomnice nad Popelkou 2002

kolektiv autorů: Český svět, Studio JB, Lomnice nad Popelkou 2008

kolektiv autorů Neregulováno: Prales ve fotografii, Moravská galerie v Brně, Brno 2008

Lutterer, Ivan: Panoramatické fotografie, Studio JB, Lomnice nad Popelkou 2004

Ptáček, Josef: Země krásná, Knižní klub, 2009

Reich, Jan: Bohemia, Galerie Nový Svět, Praha 2005

Reich, Jan: Dům v krajině, Galerie Nový Svět, Praha 2007

Spurný, Miloš: Moravské krajiny Miloše Spurného, Nadace Veronica a Ulita, Brno 1994

Spurný, Miloš: Sbohem, staré řeky, FOTEP, Brno 2007

Sudek, Josef: O sobě, Torst, Praha 2001

Sudek, Josef: Smutná krajina, Galerie výtvarného umění v Litoměřicích, 1999

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:


Exam: evaluation of the submitted tasks in which the maintenance of the assignment, quality of processing and personal creative interpretation is evaluated.

Participation: a condition for evaluating the student is a required 70% participation at lectures, participation at on-location assemblies and submission of photos at required group consultations established at the beginning of course instruction.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
místnost 112
Učebna KF

(Lažanský palác)

(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Fri 09:50–13:05 STECKER M. Učebna KF
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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