

How to work with photography

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307MDUF Z 2 9/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
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Žádné další nepovinné vzdělávací složky.
Course contents:

Lecturer: Ing.Petra Vávrová, PhD., coordinator Robert Silverio

Date and time: Weds, 6.4.2011, 18:30-17 The Brno Technical Museum, Purkyňova 2950/105, Brno

Grading: 2 credits for 100% attendance

Note: The module is, with preference, intended for Dept. of Still Photography students, the Studio for Photo Restoration nad CAS Film Restoration students.h materiálů.

Max students: 4 students (limited by workshop free spaces)

Comments: The workshop, with lectures is focused on supplementary photograph repair such as toning, retouching, laquering and other special photograph repairs (ex: Face-mounted technique, laminating) and manners of photographic adjustment. The workshop is organized at the Brno Technical Museum and is held by the PhotoChemPoint community. The workshop may be an opportunity for the students to become members of that communicty and network and collaborate.

Program :


10:00-10:20Mgr. Radek Přikryl, Ph.D., FCH VUT v Brně: ChemPoint Project presentation - scientists for chemical practice, doc. Ing. Michal Veselý, CSc., FCH VUT v Brně: presentation of and planned workshop schedule

10:20-11:00Ing. Petra Vávrová, Ph.D., Národní knihovna ČR, Praha: Introduction to photograph toning and coloring

11:00-11:40Practical: Ing. Petra Vávrová, Ph.D., Národní knihovna ČR, Praha: Mirco-scopic identification of toned and colored photography

11:40-13:00Lunch, discussion

13:00-13:40Mgr. Irena Armutidisová, FAVU VUT in Brno: Negative and Positive retouching

13:40-14:20Ing. Hana Paulusová, Národní archiv Praha: Basic materials and lacquer layers of glass negatives, their characteristics and identification

14:20-15:00Break, refreshments, discussion

15:00-15:20Ing. Petr Dzik, Ph.D., FCH VUT in Brno: Photograph Alignment Terminology and Technology

15:20-15:40Practical: Ing. Petra Vávrová, Ph.D., Národní knihovna ČR, Praha: „Face-mounted“ Photography technique

15:40-16:00Ing. Vojtěch Písařík, Thalia Picta s.r.o., Praha: Exhibition photograph alignment manners

16:00-16:20Ondřej Prokop, Megapress s.r.o., Brno: Potential of lamination for the protection of photos and digital prints

16:20-17:00Moderated discussion

Recommended or required reading:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:
Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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