

Optical Basics of Photography 1

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307OZ1 Z 1 13/S Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The course aim is to introduce students to the physial bases of the study and examples of completed tasks. Concurrently students acquire facility and manners of using Photography Dept. equipment including the potential for comparing results from analog and digital technology.

Mode of study:


Winter semester credit: awarded based on a test of theory and evaluation of submitted exercises in which the precise maintenance of the task is judged as well as the quality.

Summer semester exam: test and interview, evaluation of submitted exercises in which the precise maintenance of the task is judged as well as the quality.

Participation: a requirement for evaluating the student is the obligatory participation in 80% of lectures.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components:
Žádné další nepovinné vzdělávací složky.
Course contents:

Course description, tasks (exercise 1P1)

1. Day and artificial light, types of lights, basic principles, potential changes in character and control of lights. Advantages of individual systems.

2. Basic of exponometry, photometric units, various types of measuring devices - advantages and manners of measuring and control, brightness range of a scene, exponometric tools

3. Basic types of photographic equipment, their construction, advantages and use

Practical section of working with a Sinar camera, - construction

1 reproduction under glass with grey and color material - example of color transfer to black/white scale, determining the correct exposure and example of developing manners 6x9cm. (1 enlargement 24x30cm)

4. Lens construction and their defects, resolution

Practical section of extreme potential of practice lenses, visual field, basic resolution ability tests,

1 photo of an object's surface structure with review of Scheimpflug principles of film development 9x12cm (1 enlargement 30x40cm)

5. Perspective and focal distance, countervailing - restitution, establishing the light range of a scene in the studio

Practical section

2 photos object geometry composition in various lighting and perspectives in one with restitution use. (2 enlargements 30x40cm)

6. Working with a Sinar camera and digital back wall Sinarback 54H, digital cameras, potential use, comparison of digital and analogue photography.

Practical section of the subsequent exercise will always be a concurrent comparison of both technologies in relation to the exercise "Working with a computer and digital depiction

7. Technical fundamentals of photographing glass, possible lighting, use of material

2 photos 30x40, photos on a light and dark background + 1 digital photo, print

8. Tehcnical fundamentals of photographing metallic objects

1 photo 30x40 on a light and dark background + 1 digital photo, print

9. Technical fundamentals of photographing porcelain

2 photos 30x40 on light and dark background + 1 digital photo, print

ATTENTION: individual exercises are submitted gradually according to the written schedule and not at the end of the semester

Course description, Theory section:

1. Basic light characteristics

What is light?, wavelengths and their characteristics, units describing periodic wavelengths, electromagnetic radiation, light speed

2. Basics of geometric optics

reflection, total diffraction, circumflexion, dispersion

3. Mirrors and lenses

Spherical mirrors, spherical and aspheric lenses, defects

4. Wave optics

Interference, diffraction, resolution of a given diffraction, polarization, 3D depiction

5. Camera

Focal distance, depth of sharpness, types of lenses, expozimeter, exposure

6. The human eye and visual perception

focusing and accommodation, the iris, lens, retina, sensitivity, defects, perception of light, binocular vision, 2D, 3D

7. Color

Spectral color, additive and subtractive color mixing, coloer perception, chromatic warmth

8. The digital image

image data, resolution, CCD and CMOS chips, image processing, displays, optical depositing of data, holographic memory, the future of photonics

9. Light and modern physics

Elements and undulation, atomic spectrum, stimulated emissions, laser, LED, OLED

Recommended or required reading:

Seznam literatury:

Zaoral Ladislav: Fyzikální základy fotografie, 1956

Schroder Gottfried: Technická optika, 1981

Jiráček M, Hálková A, Morávek J, Fotografický slovník, 1955

Jiráček M: Ostrost a osvit fotografického obrazu

Šmok Ján: Umělé světlo 1978

Scheufler, Mikš, Růžek, Spevák, Stýblo, Jiráček, Opočenský: Technické základy fotografie 2002

Jiráček M.: Fotografická optika (1960 - 6A 2119)

Palivec: Světlo, optika a osvětlovanie vo fotografii (1963 - 6A 2390)

Evans, R.M.: An Introduction to Color (1948 - 6B 859, 1959 - 6B 757, 1965 - 6B 1214)

Evans, R.M.: Eye, Film and Camera in Color Photography (1959 - 6B 756)

Langford, M.J.: Advanced Photography (1972 - 6B 1350)

sborník Principles of Color Sensitometry (1955 - 6B 865)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:


Winter semester credit: awarded based on a test of theory and evaluation of submitted exercises in which the precise maintenance of the task is judged as well as the quality.

Summer semester exam: test and interview, evaluation of submitted exercises in which the precise maintenance of the task is judged as well as the quality.

Participation: a requirement for evaluating the student is the obligatory participation in 80% of lectures.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
místnost TR 304
Učebna KF

(Tržiště 20, Praha 1 (vchod z Rektorátu AMU, Malostranské nám. 12))

(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 19:00–20:35 KRUMPL V. Učebna KF
Tržiště 20, Praha 1 (vchod z Rektorátu AMU, Malostranské nám. 12)
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at