

Graduate Work

Register Not scheduled
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
308APRP Z 12 Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Pavel REJHOLEC (FAMU, Praha 1, Smetanovo nábř. 2)
Name of lecturer(s):
Pavel REJHOLEC (FAMU, Praha 1, Smetanovo nábř. 2)
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim of the graduation exercise is to demonstrate the level of artistic skill of the FAMU sound-master graduate as an independent creative worker - sound designer of a film or television work.

Mode of study:


Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Necessary creative skills for independent sound artist work.

Recommended optional programme components:
Žádné další nepovinné vzdělávací složky.
Course contents:

This exercise forms the basic part of the master's graduate work. The student of sound design demonstrates his/her ability to create an independent and sophisticated work of art - creating the sound component for a film or television work.

Recommended or required reading:

Bláha, I.: Zvuková dramaturgie audiovizuálního díla. AMU, Praha 2006 (ISBN 80-7331-010-4)

Borwick, J. (1994): Sound Recording Practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (ISBN 0-19-816381-9)

Chion, M. (1994): Audio-Vision. Sound of Screen. Columbia University Press, New York. (ISBN 0-231-07899-4)

Hůrka, M. - Estetika zvuku ve filmu ( ČsFÚ 1965)

Janoušek, I. - ABC akustiky pro hudební praxi (Supraphon)

Kolektiv - Film a filmová technika (SNTL 1974)

Kolmer, F. - Prostorová akustika SNTL 1984

Kuna, M. - Zvuk a hudba ve filmu ( Panton 1968)

Stadtrucker, I. - Zvukové majstrovstvo ve F a TV (SPN 1977)

Škvor, Z.- Akustika a elektroakustika(Academia 2001)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Hodnocení praktického cvičení probíhá při obhajobě u mgr. státnic na základě posudků vedoucího práce a oponenta.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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