Animation: Assembly in Poněšice 1
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
309SKP1 | Z | 1 | 5/D | Czech | summer |
- Subject guarantor:
- Aurel KLIMT
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Aurel KLIMT
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Acquisition of theory issues in animated film.
- Mode of study:
lectures, film presentations.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
No presumed knowledge required for registration.
- Recommended optional programme components:
No prerequisites.
- Course contents:
The course introduces students in the department to some general aesthetic principles and to the main principles of drama. It reviews in detail the theory of animated film as a form of dramatic art.
- Recommended or required reading:
Required literature:
Aristoteles: Poetika (Orbis Praha 1964)
Marshall McLuhan: Jak rozumět médiím (Odeon Praha 1991)
Jiří Kubíček: Úvod do estetiky animace (skripta FAMU 2004)
Recommended literature:
Otakar Zich: Estetika dramatických umění
Jaroslav Boček: Kapitoly o filmu (Orbis Praha 1968) - část O filmové specifičnosti
Edgar Dutka: Animovaný film (skriptum FAMU 2002)
Henryk Jurkowski: Magie loutky (Nakladatelství Studia Ypsilon 1997)
Jaroslav Nauman: Umění člověka diluviálního (Nakladatelství Kvasnička a Hampl Praha 1925)
Joseph Campbell: Mýty (Pragma - 1998)
Rudolf Urc: Kapitoly z teórie animovaného filmu (Osvetový ústav Bratislava 1989)
Some lectures will be supplemented with examples from Czech and international animated film.
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
- Assessment methods and criteria:
To receive credit in the winter semester 70% attendance is required at the lectures and elaboration of the course paper on a given topic.
An oral test after the summer semester tests the bredth of student knowledge. Upon successful completion it is necessary to generally master the issues.
- Course web page:
- žádná webová stránka neexistuje
- Note:
without note
- Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Animation - Master (qualification subject)