

The History of World Cinema 2

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373DSK2 ZK 2 6/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The lecture and screening series aim, in the three semesters, is to provide a basic knowledge of the development of world cinema from its prehistory to the 1980s, particularly its most significant types, genres, currents, styles and figures from the aspect of the entire cinematic repository, including politics, economics, arts and from the viewpoint of lifestyle of the audience, etc.

The lectures and screenings are the basic knowledge, necessary for a better understanding of the context of the specialized lectures.

Mode of study:

Lecture supplemented by film samples and study projects.

Information from lecture is supplemented by study of presented literature and individual „close reading“ of recommended films.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Knowledge of the history of world cinema up to 1945, general knowledge of world literature, fine arts, photography and world history. Knowledge of English as well.

Recommended optional programme components:

Independent study of presented literature or similar literature and „close readings“ of recommended films.

Course contents:

This three-semester lecture on the history of world cinema offers a complex review of world cinema history for first- and second-year students. In conformity with „new film history“ the lecture attempts to acquaint students not just with the aesthetic and biographic dimensions of cinema (artistically important figures and trends, links between trends, links to other art forms, etc.) but also with the socio-cultural, economic and institutional context that shaped the cinema of a given era and that conversely was shaped by it. The course includes regular screenings of selected films.


1. (12.2.) World and Czech Animated Film 1945 - 1960

Lecturer: Stanislav Ulver


2.(19.2.) Russian and German Cinema 1930-45 (film and propaganda)

Lecturer:Jan Bernard

Screening: Zid Sussˇ(Veit Harlan), DVD

3. (26.2.) France and Britain 1930-45

Lecturer: Helena Bendová

Screening: Le Jour se leve (1939, Marcel Carné) film from NFA

2nd. film: Le Regle du jeu (1938, Jean Renoir))

4. (6.3.) Britain and Post-war Scandinavia

Lecturer: Michal Bregant

Screening: The Lavender Hill Mob (Charles Crichton) film from NFA

2nd. film: Ordet (1955, Carl Theodor Dreyer)

5. (13.3.) Post-war film in Italy and Germany

Lecturer: Vít Janeček

Screening: Ladri di Biciclette (1948, Vittorio De Sica)

2nd. film: Paisa (1946, Roberto Rossellini)

6. (19.3.) Post-War French Cinema

Lecturer: Helena Bendová

Screening: L'école des facteurs, (Jacques Tati) National Film Archives (NFA)

2nd film: Orphée (1949, Jean Cocteau, Library DVD)

7. (26.3.) France - new wave of the 60s and 70s

Lecturer: Vít Janeček

Screening: The Young Girls of Rochefort (1967, Jacques Demy, or Les Parapulies of Cherbourg) film from NFA

2nd. film: Au Hasard Balthazar (1966, Robert Bresson)

8. (2.4.) Soviet Cinema of the 1960s

Lecturer: Tomáš Hála

Screening: A esli eto lyubov? (Julij Rajman, 1961) NFA Tini zabutkykh predkiv (Sergej Paradžanov, 1965, dvd)

9. (9.4.) Dokumentary film 1940-59

Lecturer: Petr Kubica

Screening: Alain Resnais: Nuit et brouillard (1955), Jean Rouch: Moi un noir (1958); Film Samples: Frank Capra: Why We Fight (1942-1945), Jean Painlevé: Le vampire (1945), Joris Ivens: Indonesia Calling (1946), Robert Flaherty: Louisiana Story (1948), Georges Franju: Le sang des betes (1949), Bert Haanstra: Spiegel van Holland (1950), Chris Marker: Lettre de Sibérie (1957), Lionel Rogosin: On the Bowery (1957), Richard Leacock: Primary (1960)

Supplementary readings: Erik Barnouw: Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film, Jack C. Ellis, Betsy A. McLane: A New History Of Documentary Film; Guy Gauthier: Dokumentární film, jiná kinematografie; Bill Nichols: Úvod do dokumentárního filmu

10. (16.4.) Asian film up to the 60s

Lecturer: Jaromír Blažejovský

Screening: Ugetsu monogatari (1953, Kendži Mizoguči) NFA

2. film: Rašómon (1950, Akira Kurosawa)

11. (23.4.) Experimental film 1943-59

Lecturer: Martin Čihák

Screening: Meshes of the Afternoon (1943, M. Derenová, A. Hammid); Fireworks (1947, K. Anger);

Pull My Daisy (1959, R, Frank); Anticipation of the Night (1958, S. Brakhage)

/All these films are on DVD or VHS in the FAMU video library/

12. (30. 4) Rise of Latinamerican cinema and begin of the new wave in Latin America

Lecturer: David Čeněk

Screening: Blood of the Condor or Main Enemy - both directed by Jorge Sanjines or The Northern Suburbs of Rio or Parched Lives both by Nelson Pereira dos Santos or Green Wall, directed by Robloy Godes or Bye Bye Brasil, directed by Carlos diegues or Revolutionary Mexico, directed by Paul Leduc, Maria Candelaria

2nd film: Woman from the Harbor, d. Arcady Boytler

13. (7.5.) Postwar American film (to the end of the 1950s)

Lecturer: Jan Bernard

Screening: Creature from the Black Lagoon (Jack Arnold), Marty (Delbert Mann, partial). High Noon (F. Zinneman)

2nd. film: Sunset Boulevard (1950, Billy Wilder)

14. (14. 5.) Post-War American Film (til the end of the 50s) II

Lecturer: Jan Bernard

Screening: High Noon (1952, F Zimmerman)

2nd film: Rebel without a Cause (1955, Nicholas Ray)

Recommended or required reading:


Davida Bordwella and Kristin Thompson: Dějiny filmu, NAMU+NLN Praha 2007. (FAMU Students in day study have the opportunity to buy, until sold out, a limited number of this book at the FAMU Library with a discount.) It is sufficient to read only those parts of the book with cover the periods covered in the semester's lectures.


D´Agostini, Paolo: Legendární filmy, Praha 1989; Sova, Dawn B.: Zakázané filmy, Praha 2005; Toterberg, Michael (ed): Lexikon světového filmu, Praha - Litvínov 2005)

Supplementary readings for individual lectures are mainly found in the syllabuses on the webpages of CAS.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lecture supplemented by film examples and studio screenings.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Each (of three) semesters of the History of Film cycle is an exam in which the student is queried about one basic topics, a second supplementary question about a film (aside from exceptional and significant cases the exact date of production of a film or phenomenon will not be required: It is enough to arrange them into a +/- 5 year range, ex: half of the 20s, turn of the 40s to 50s, beginning of the 60s, etc.).

Course web page:

The aim of this lecture and screening cycle is, in three semesters, to give fundamental knowledge of the development of world cinema from its pre-history to the 1980s, particularly, the most important types, genres, directions, styles and persons from a standpoint of the overall cinema, i.e. including political, economic, artistic relationships and people's lifestyles, etc.

The lectures and screenings are the foundational knowledge necessary for a better understanding of the relationships of specialized lectures.

Further information:
This course is an elective for all AMU students
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
místnost 124
Projekce FAMU

(Lažanský palác)
(paralelka 1)
místnost 107
Učebna 1

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Fri 09:00–11:25 BERNARD J. Projekce FAMU
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1
Fri 11:30–13:55 BERNARD J. Učebna 1
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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