

Russian for Doctoral Candidates - Secondary Foreign Language

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
782CJR2 ZK 10 Czech
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

A required course for the doctoral exam.

Mode of study:

Doctoral candidates are not required to attend courses but may register for an advanced course intended for bachelor's or master's programs. Doctoral candidate exams are prepared for independently but consultations may be arranged during the preparations.

Exams take place at dates announced by the AMU Language Center at least 4 time per year and are published on the CJP AMU webpages.

The student is obliged at least a month in advance of the announced dates to register via email to the CJP secretary's office.

With the registration the student must deliver, in written form, materials for the exam (see below).

Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Recommended optional programme components:
Žádné další nepovinné vzdělávací složky.
Course contents:

For the Exam in the second foreign language the doctoral candidate submits in advance:

- a professional CV

- 1-2 page summary of the doctoral work.

- an original trade text in the given language related to the study, 0 standard pages.

Recommended or required reading:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:

The exam is oral before an AMU CJP two-member instructor commission. The exam content is:

- presentation of the candidate based on the professional CV.

- acquaintance with the doctoral dissertation and subsequent discussion over the given work.

- discussions over a trade writing and translation of selected sections.

A detailed schedule of examinations created according to the number of registered students is sent to the students prior to the exam.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at