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Zjednodušený studijní plán Fotografie EN - magistr

Studijní obor: Fotografie Katedra fotografie
Studijní program: Filmové, televizní a fotografické umění a nová média Typ studia: Navazující magisterské
Studijní plán: celkový | 1. ročník | 2. ročník | zjednodušený
Kód Název předmětu Zakončení Kredity
1. semestr
307EZTI Basics of Typograhy and Indesign ZK 2
307EDE4 Departmental Study Trips 4 Z 1
307EFE1 Final Exhibition Series 1 Z 2
307EPH7 Guest Lectures 7 Z 1
307ENMW1 New Media and Multimedia Work 1 Z 2
307EPB5 Photography and Book 5 Z 2
307EFG1 Photography and Graphic Art 1 ZK 3
307EPK1 Photography in context: period, society, art 1 Z 1
307ESPV1 Semestral Theme of the Head of the Studio 1 ZK 2
307ES1 Seminar on Theory of Photography 1 Z 1
307ETPR Teaching Experience Z 8
Ateliers DP
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
2. semestr
307EESE4 Exhibition Series 4 ZK 4
307EFC4 Final Commission (klauzura) 4 ZK 3
307EFE2 Final Exhibition Series 2 Z 2
307EPH8 Guest Lectures 8 Z 1
307ENMW2 New Media and Multimedia Work 2 ZK 3
307EPB6 Photography and Book 6 ZK 3
307EFG2 Photography and Graphic Art 2 ZK 3
307EPK2 Photography in context: period, society, art 2 ZK 2
307ESTS1 Semestral Theme for All Ateliers 1 ZK 3
307ESM1 Seminar on the Final Master Thesis 1 Z 1
307ES2 Seminar on Theory of Photography 2 ZK 3
307ETPR Teaching Experience Z 8
Ateliers DP
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
Součet kreditů za povinné předměty v tomto semestru 36
3. semestr
307EDE5 Departmental Study Trips 5 Z 1
307EFE3 Final Exhibition Series 3 Z 2
307EPH9 Guest Lectures 9 Z 1
307ETT Master Thesis Outline Z 2
307ENMW3 New Media and Multimedia Work 3 Z 2
307EPB7 Photography and Book 7 Z 2
307EPK3 Photography in context: period, society, art 3 Z 1
307ESPV2 Semestral Theme of the Head of the Studio 2 ZK 2
307ESM2 Seminar on the Final Master Thesis 2 Z 1
307ES1 Seminar on Theory of Photography 1 Z 1
307ETPR Teaching Experience Z 8
Ateliers DP
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
4. semestr
307EFC5 Final Commission (klauzura) 5 ZK 3
307EFE04 Final Exhibition Series 4 Z 2
307EPH0 Guest Lectures 10 Z 1
307ENMW4 New Media and Multimedia Work 4 ZK 3
307EPB8 Photography and Book 8 ZK 3
307EPK4 Photography in context: period, society, art 4 ZK 2
307EPUSM Preparation of Practical Final Exam Z 1
307EPTSM Preparation of Theoratical Final Exam Z 1
307ESTS2 Semestral Theme for All Studios 2 ZK 3
307ES2 Seminar on Theory of Photography 2 ZK 3
307ETPR Teaching Experience Z 8
Ateliers DP
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2015