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Drama in Education (8203R007)

bachelor's programme qualification

Specific admission requirements:

A completed secondary or a completed secondary vocational education; exceptionally it is also possible to admit candidates without a completed secondary, a completed secondary vocational or higher vocational education at a conservatory.

The admissions process consists of two rounds. The candidate's musical prerequisites for the programme are assessed, as are his/her aptitude for pedagogical work, basic knowledge of the field and academic motivation.

First round:

Recital of a prepared poem, prose piece or theatrical monologue for a duration of up to five minutes, and its variations.

A written essay on an issue of drama education, the topic of which will be assigned upon arrival.

Second round:

Elaboration of a written work in which the candidate demonstrates the ability to analyse and interpret an artistic text as well as the ability to ruminate over it as a source for a theatrical or internal drama education work. A specific assignment will be sent to each candidate immediately upon successful completion of the first round.

Practical talent examination focused on assessing the candidate`s aptitude for creative theatrical and drama education work in drama games assigned and led by the examiners, and on assessing musical movement skills.

An interview focused on determining the candidate`s motivations, experience and preliminary informedness about or orientation in issues of drama education, theatre, literary fiction (with emphasis on children`s and youth literature) and in questions in the area of pedagogical psychology relating to drama education. Candidates should bring to the interview a list of literary fiction (focusing on children`s and youth literature) and scholarly literature (see the areas specified above) which they have recently read.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:

The procedure for recognition at AMU is governed by Articles 89 and 90 of the Act on Higher Education Institutions No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended, and by the AMU Attendance and Examination Regulations (Articles 8, 14, 18).

Qualification requirements and regulations

A completed secondary or a completed secondary vocational education; exceptionally it is also possible to admit candidates without a completed secondary, a completed secondary vocational or higher vocational education at a conservatory.

Regulations: The Czech education system is governed by the Act on Higher Education Institutions, as amended (Act No. 111/1998 Coll.), and by the internal regulations of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

Field of study characterization

For example:

Drama Education is one of the most complex fields of aesthetic education, and makes use the means and methods of dramatic arts. This is a system of social and artistic learning for children, youth and possibly also adults, focusing on aesthetic cultivation and the acquisition of theatrical skills, as well as on developing students` personalities and pro-social behaviour.

The Bachelor`s programme in drama education is focused primarily on acquiring basic experience with drama activities, on developing skills in the psychosomatic disciplines and on developing creative abilities in performance and theatrical group work. These courses also have a methodological component - students learn the didactic transformation of acquired knowledge and skills into the educational process, especially with children and students. The practical courses are supplemented with theoretically structured inputs, and students are gradually familiarised with various types of drama education.

In view of the programme`s focus (preparation for working in art pedagogy, especially with children and youth), the teaching plan for the Bachelor`s programme also includes subjects focused on pedagogical and psychological aspects of drama education, literary theory and the history of children`s literature, and on certain important chapters of theatrology.

The whole programme is accompanied by a multi-stage reflective model of practice which operates under the supervision of pedagogues to develop students` own long-term systematic work with a group and its reflection.

Key learning outcomes:

A graduate of the programme:

Knows how to expound comprehensibly and materially upon the substance of the field, and to defend his/her own solutions with arguments. He/she knows and can define various forms of drama education, and understands the possibilities of its application in connection with the objective conditions of practice and in connection with the subjective agents of the process.

He/she possesses knowledge in particular in the areas of pedagogy, psychology, theory and history of theatre, and children`s and youth literature, which he/she understands in the context of the field of drama education.

He/she has extensive competencies in artistic fields as well as in fields relating to education. He/she is developed in all aspects of personality, with an emphasis on creativity, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, communicative competence and other specific abilities and skills focusing on the process of art pedagogy (musicality, movement and spatial intelligence, the ability to organise, motivate and inspire students to perform creative artistic work).

He/she understands the connections between the field of drama education, artistic fields and the current conception of education.

He/she knows how to plan, realise and evaluate the drama education process, especially with children and students.

He/she has experience with artistic creation and can transfer skills in the area of his/her own creative work into the education process. In such a didactic transformation, he/she makes use of findings in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and didactics.

He/she makes use of his/her own personal qualities and professional competencies to facilitate the education process and respect for its participants, to establish a positive climate, and to create opportunities for the creative process.

In the case of an internal drama education work as well as in the case of staging such a work, he/she will select such working methods which enable the development of childre`s creative potential, their personalities, social qualities and competencies in the area of artistic creation. He/she is personally capable of applying a creative and distinctive approach to searching for ways to achieve a goal.

He/she draws on knowledge of the field of theatre/drama to develop participants` skills in the area of artistic perception.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples:

A graduate of the programme is prepared to lead the drama education process at institutions focused on education (instruction in literary-drama programmes at primary artistic schools, elective and free-time activities at pre-schools, primary schools, secondary schools, youth houses and other institutions focusing on free-time activities for children and youth), or at leisure activity centres, drama centres, cultural centres, etc.

Access to further studies:

Continuing Master`s programme in the field of Drama Education at DAMU or in the field of Theatre and Education at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading:

For example:

Studies are assessed by credits and examinations stipulated by study plans.

The student is entitled to a second and third attempt to pass an examination. If neither of these attempts proves successful, the Dean may in exceptional cases permit a fourth attempt, known as a Dean`s Examination. A Dean`s Examination is administered by a commission with the participation of the Dean or a Vice-Dean appointed by the Dean. It is not permitted to repeat an examination for the main subjects or to repeat written examinations.

The credit is an ungraded form of assessment of studies. It is allocated upon fulfilment of requirements stipulated for individual subjects and is recorded in the information system with the word „Credited“ (Z). An examination is a graded form of assessment of studies, which tests knowledge and level of creativity in the relevant subject. It may be practical, written, oral or a combination of these methods. For the main subjects, examinations are usually conducted before a committee.

Examinations are graded on the scale „A, B, C, D, E, F“.

Graduation requirements:

- The student fulfils the requirements corresponding to the study plan.

- The student passes the final state examination.

The State Master`s Examination assesses the student`s ability to use actively, independently and creatively the skills and knowledge essential for a drama education pedagogue.

If consists of the following parts:

The Bachelor`s examination consists of the following parts:

1. the Bachelor`s thesis and its defence;

2. theory and history of theatre;

3. theory and didactics of drama education, pedagogy and psychology.

A condition for advancement to the Bachelor`s examination is the successful completion of the programme in the extent of the study plan.

Mode of study:
full-time / part-time
Qualification director or equivalent:
Field of study is part of study programme:
Study plans of qualification:
Generated on 2015-06-16