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Survey of the History of Dance and Ballet 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107PDB2 ZK 3 2/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The lecture should provide an overview of the development of dance culture in the Czech lands and create parallels between the history of dance in Bohemia and the overall European context.

Mode of study:

Presentation, analyses of texts and sources, working with iconographic material, related literature readings.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of Survey of the History of Dance and Ballet lectures is required. The content is linked to Survey of the History of Ballet in the Czech Republic 1.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

The presantation is linked to the Survey of the History of Dance in Bohemia, continuing from the beginning of the 19th century.

Ballet in Bohemia in the Romantic period and post-Romantic: The presentation traces the development of Ballet in the Prague scene (Estates Theatre), penetration and response to Ballet events abroad (guest representatives of the Romantic style in the Czech scene), connections among the national revival movement and dance and ballet events (Patriate Balls, National dance phenomena such as the Polka, transfer of national dances to the stage and in the works of Johann Raab and other artists): formation of Czech theatre dance at the Prozatim Theatre.

Ballet in the last third of the 19th century: New conditions for the development of Ballet at the National Theatre. Reaction of the Czech surroundings to the tendencies of ballet at the end of the century. Influence of the Italian School in Bohemia (Excelsior). Development of Czech-German cultural relations. Ballet in the New German Theatre in Prague. Theory reviews of Ballet events. Changes in the assessment of the Ballet Feerie. Efforts for the features of the Czech Ballet repertoire in relation to the Ethnographic exhibition:

The period of the beginning of the 20th century as a transitional period in the development of artistic dance. Investigating new artistic processes - Activities of Achilla Viscusihov of the National Theatre in Prague. The penetration of the first manifestations of the dance modern in the Czech environment (guests I. Duncan, R.St.Denis, Les Ballets Russes of S. Diaghilev, fonding of the Jaques-Delcrose Association in the period prior to the 1st World War):

Artistic dance in the inter-war period: forming of ballet ensembles of newly founded Czech theatres. Manifestations of the dance modern in Bohemia. Foreign influences. Dance arts in the avant garde and bricks-and-mortar theatre. Main figures; Joe Jenčík

Changes in artistic dance after the 2nd World War: formation of state schools. Soviet influence. The 60s generation. Main figures. Development of repertoire.

Recommended or required reading:

Český tanení slovník, Praha 2001.

Brodská, Božena: Dějiny baletu v Čechách a na Moravě do roku 1945, v tisku (vydání 2006).

Dějiny české hudební kultury I, Praha 1972.

Dějiny českého divadla, III, IV, Praha 1983.

Gabzdyl, Emerich; Vašut, Vladimír: V hlavní roli Emerich Gabzdyl, Ostrava 1988.

Hájek, Ladislav: Paměti Augustina Bergra, Praha 1940.

Jenčík, Joe: Taneční letopisy, Praha 1940.

Kröschlová, Jarmila: Výrazový tanec, Praha 1964.

Rey, Jan: tanec jako divadlo, Praha 1938.

Siblík, Emanuel: Tanec mimo nás i v nás, Praha 1937.

Vašut, Vladimír: Saša Machov, Praha 1986.

Vašut, Vladimír: Pavel Šmok na přeskáčku, Praha 1999.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on:

participation in lectures

reading of related literature

written credit test

oral exam in both semesters

During the semester reading of the related literature, and participation in lectures are required. The written credit test is a condition for the oral exam.

Oral exam. A credit test with greater than 50% points is required for the receipt of credit and the oral exam for the grade. Credit is awarded based on the fulfillment of all conditions.

Conditions for the successfull completion of the course: participation in lectures, reading of related literature, fulfillment of the credit test with greater than 50% of points, passing of the oral exam.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16