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Folk Dance Education Seminar 7

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107PSL7 Z 2 1/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

This course covers the Sleska region. Students create a movement preparatorz for the selected region.

Mode of study:

Watching films, dance recordings of individual areas and the mastery of selected dances in the course in the dance hall.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Independent student activity. Focused on acquireing information about the given region whose development will be used in teaching folkdance.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Dances from Silesia: Silesia has experienced throughout its history a complex development. This area in the Upper and Lower Odra river basin has gradually become a part of various states. Regarding the wider dance repertoire and representation of individual dance types around Těšínska, it is necessary to say that all development layers of our folkdance have been maintained here except for the chain choral procession type. Among the most spread dances of the Opava, Klimova and Hlučínska regions are found Polonaise type dances, called generally „dance.“

a)Goralská oblast: Ověnžok and kulany, Kolomajka, Křižok I and II, Linder, Maštolka, Vruny

b)Moravsko-slezské pomezí: Starodavny, Mužský skok Ondraš ve čtveřici, Mužský skok s obuškem ve dvojici,

c)Třinecko: Kolomajka z Lybžic, Křižok - Kačok z Třince, Šotyška z Lybžic,

d)Těšínsko: Povulny z Těrlicka, Bioly z Bystřice, Čapkany z Košarisk, Gonšor - Kostkovy I and II z Albrechtic, Hulan z Řeky, Klepavý valčík z Jablunkova, Mazurek z Bocanovic, Śviňok,

e)Orlovsko: Taněc and maďar, Funty, Kača, Kozok and maďar, Myksik, Pohančok and maďar, Šatkovy,

f)Bohumínsko: Handerlok z Petřvaldu, Kačok - malý křižok z Petřvaldu, Mamlas ze Skřečoně, Žebrok z Petřvaldu, Šaroš and Šotyšky z Petřvaldu

g)Klimkovsko, Opavsko and hlučínsku: Taněc I, II and III ze Svinova, Taněc I and II ze Zbyslavic, Vrtek ze Zbyslavic, Cupek z Dolní Lhoty, Koval z Krásného Pole, Lendr I - III z Horní Lhoty, Polka na šest z Krásného Pole, Slezsky čardáš z Velké Polomi, Bulger z Dvořiska, Cigani I - III z Neplachovic, Koziz z Darkovic, Otevřená polka z Podvihova, Ruská polka z Krásného Pole.

Recommended or required reading:

Jelínková, Zdenka; Buroňová, Anna: Lidové tance z Čech, Moravy a Slezska, díl X. Slezsko, Ústav lidové kultury Strážnice 1997.

Bartoš, František; Janáček, Leoš: Národní písně moravské v nově nasbírané, Brno 1901.

Gelnar, J.; Syrovátka, O.: Slezské písně z Třinecka a Jablunkovska, Praha 1957.

Jelínková, Zdenka - výběr z díla

Myslivec, F.: Naše staré národní tance, Praha nedat.

Podešvová, Hana: Lidové tance na Těšínsku, Ostrava 1987.

Podešvová, Hana - výběr z díla

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

This course covers the regions of Silesia. Students create a movement work for a selected area. VHS cassettes with authentic recordings of native dancers of the area are used for instruction.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Partipation in class, preparation of at least one movement-dance variation for the folklore area covered (technique preparations of the dance skills of the given area) are required.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16