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Reperatory of Folk Dance 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107RL1 Z 2 2/T Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To teach various types and manners of executing the Polka. Mastery of parts of the Polka choreography from „The Bartered Bride.“

Mode of study:

Mastery of the selected dance in a dance hall. Study of a dance according to a video or notation.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Particpation in class. Ability to present parts of discussed choreographies.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Analysis of a work and it importance. Discussions about choreographers: Before the study of dances, students are acquainted with the work as a whole, the reason for the creation of the work, if known. Students are introduced to figures such as Jiřina Mlikovská, who was for many years the choreographer for the AUS ensemble. Later she worked with other theatre and amateur ensembles.

Basic steps of the dance and its floorplan: First the steps and step phrases of the dance are covered. In a few classes the students learn the step and character basis for studying the dance. There is an acquaintance with the space treatment of the dance, important changes in the dance and characteristics of the choreography.

Partner work in dance: Each dance in its whole contains a lot of partner work. First, we learn partner or group holds, then with small or possiblz large lifts. In detailed analysis and repetition are changes in hand holds learned. If the makeup of the group allows, lifts are also studied.

Studying dance in parts: After learning individual components of the work we move to the it gradual study. Unfortunately, the majoritz of dance works do not have (or are lost) graphic notation. Through multiple viewings (film, video) of recordings, students with the aid of the instructor try to learn idividual parts of the dance. Each student shares their knowledge about the floorplan of the dance and steps and in this manner graduallz learns to notate the dance for their needs so they will be able to use it in their teaching.

The Polka from The Bartered Bride by Bedřich Smetana: This piece originates in rich experience and knowledge of folklore. The dance technique basis is quite diverse and students can in studz of this work learn a lot.

Recommended or required reading:

Gremlicová, Dorota: Lidové taneční divadlo - Alena Skálová choreografka a pedagožka. Tanec-Dance-Tanz, Praha 1991.

Mlíkovská, Jiřina: Choreografka Libuše Hynková. Taneční listy, 1993, č. 2, 3, 4.

Nosáľ, Štefan: Choreografia ľudového tanca, Bratislava 1984.

O lidovém tanečním umění, Praha 1954 (kapitola Jevištní zpracování lidových tanců).

Performance video recordings

Notation material

Recording from The Bartered Bride (Karlovy Vary 1979)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

This course focuses on the choreographic development of folk dance, providing knowledge about forms of choreographic stylizations of folklore at the theory and practical levels. The material comes from the works of prior folk dance choreographers, Libuše Hynková, Jiřina Mlíkovska, Štefan Nosál, Radek Rajšek and others.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Active participation in lessons. Knowledge of the choreographies covered.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16