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 Music Theory Text Analysis 9

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
108AHT9 Z 2 1/T Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Continuation of Music Theory Text Analysis 8. Study of extensive and complex literature with focus on analytical, survey and synthetic writings. Emphasis on editions (literary and music editions) Practical, critical, and collection editions. Basics of editions work, structure of publishing reports and other elements of documenation tools for critical editions. Parallel study of more demanding classical music theory texts. Potential publication of successful short texts in professional periodicals. The year's paper is required to have significant independent handling content and critical assessment of the covered issue.

Mode of study:

Classes with individual student performances and subsequent discussion.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of Music Theory Text Analysis 8. No other requirements.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

An obligatory course for Music Theory studies. Instruction is 1 hour per week in the Winter semester of the 2nd year of master's study. This continues lectures in Music theory, history and taxonomy. Extensive music theory writings are studied and focuses on the complexity of 20th century music, on serial works (music and literary works), practical, critical and collection series. The foudation of working with series is the structure of publishing reports and other elements of critical edition documentation tools. Simultaneously there is a study of more demanding classical music theory writings.

Recommended or required reading:

Adler, Quido: Der Stil in der Musik. - Leipzig 1911, 21929

Adler, Quido: Schubert and the Viennese Classical School. - in: The Musical Quarterly XIV, 1928, s. 473nn

Adler, Quido: Haydn and the Viennese Classical School. - in: The Musical Quarterly XVIII, 1932, s. 191 nn.

Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund: Philosophie der neuen Musik. - Tübingen 1949, Frankfurt a.M. 1958, 31967, angl.překl. 1973

Apfel, Ernst-Dahlhaus, Carl: Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte der musikalischen Rhythmik und Metrik. - München 1974

Asafjev, Boris V.: Hudební forma jako proces. - Praha, SHV 1965

Bek, Josef: Avantgarda. Ke genezi socialstického realismu v české hudbě. Praha, Panton 1984

Bek, Josef-Fukač, Jiří-Poledňák, Ivan: Česká hudební věda 1945-1975. Pokus o stratifikaci a vědeckou kritiku jejích motivací, faktorů a funkcí. Hudební věda 1976, s. 3-26

Besseler, Heinrich: Musik und Raum. - in: Musik und Bild. Festschrift Max Seiffert, Kassel 1938, s. 151 nn

Besseler, Heinrich: Bourdon und Fauxbourdon. Studien zum der Niederländischen Musik. - Leipzig 1950, 2197

Burjanek, Josef: Hudební myšlení. -Praha-Brno, SPN 1970.

Černý, Miroslav K.: Musiksemiotik und Musikgeschichte. - Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomoucensis. Facultas philosophica. Philoophica-aesthetica 15, 1997 /Musicologica Olomoucensia/, Olomouc UP 1997, s. 47-56

Dahlhaus, Carl: Some Models of Unity in Musical Form. - Journal of Music Theory XIX, 1975, s. 32 nn.

Ferková, Eva: Počítačová muzikologie( z hlediska systematiky). - Opus musicum XXIV, 1992, č. 7-8, s.239-244

Georgiades, Thrasybulos: Musik und Sprache: Das Werden der abendländischen Musik dargestellt an der Vertonung der Messe.- Berlin, Göttingen und Heidelberg 1954

Kubik, Gerhard: Zum Verstehen afrikanischer Musik. - Leipzig, Verlag Philipp Reclam jun.1988

Morris, Robert: Composition with Pitch-Classes: A Theory of Compositional Design. - New Haven,London 1997

Oesch, Hans (ed.): Aussereuropäische Musik. - 2 díly, Laaber, Laaber Verlag 1984, 1987 /= Neues Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft, Bd. 8, 9)

Pečman, Rudolf: Sloh a hudba 1600-1900.- Brno, Masarykova univerzita 1991

Riemann, Hugo: Die Entwicklung unserer Notenschrift (sborník přednášek). -Leipzig 1881

Riemann, Hugo: Die Natur der Harmonik (sborník přednášek). -Leipzig 1882

Riemann, Hugo: Der Ausdruck in der Musik (sborník přednášek). - Leipzig 1883

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:

Aktivní účast v semináři se zadanými referáty, aktivní účast v diskusi. Vypracování semestrální písemné práce. Zápočet.

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Generated on 2015-06-16