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Music History 3

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
108DHU3 Z 4 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Jaromír HAVLÍK
Name of lecturer(s):
Jaromír HAVLÍK
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Presentation of the history of European music in the late Romantic and early 20th century (up to 1918).

Mode of study:


Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of History of Music 2. No other requirements.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

A required course for all music and music theory studies at HAMU. Two hours per week in the Winter semester of the second year of bachelor's study. Instruction is concluded with credit from the lecture material of the Winter semester. Credit is achieved through a written exam.

Series 1: Late European Romance (Mahler, Strauss, Reger, Pfitzner, Rachmaninov, Skriabin). Later Czech Romance (Foerster, Novák, Suk, Ostrčil). Series 2: Music Impressionism. Series 3: Neofolklorism, Series 4: Expressionism. Series 5: Neoclassic.

Recommended or required reading:

Abraham, Gerald: Stručné dejiny hudby.- Bratislava 2003 (překlad z angl.)

Danuser, Hermann: Die Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Neues Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft, Bd.7, Laaber 1984

Einstein, Alfred: Geschichte der Musik.- 1Leipzig 1917-18, poté řada dalších vydání

Group authorship: Oratorium, kantáta a mše od klasicismu s současnosti. ? Praha- Bratislava 1968

Navrátil, Miloslav: Dějiny hudby.- Ostrava 1996

Bachtík, Josef: 19. století v hudbě. - Praha 1970

Bek, Josef: Impresionismus a hudba.- Praha 1964

Bek, Josef: Hudební neoklasicismus.- Praha 1982

Faltin, Peter: Igor Stravinskij.- Bratislava 1965

Helfert, Vladimír: Česká moderní hudba.- Olomouc 1936, nově in V.H.: Studie o hudební tvořivosti, Praha 1971

Group authorship: Dějiny české hudební kultury 1890-1945.- 1.díl: 1890-1918, Praha 1972 // 2. díl 1918-1945, Praha 1981

Smolka, Jaroslav: Česká hudba našeho století.- Praha 1961

Smolka, Jaroslav: Česká kantáta a oratorium.- Praha-Bratislava 1970

Berkovec, Jiří: Josef Suk.- Praha 1962

Lébl, Vladimír: Vítězslav Novák. Život a dílo.- Praha 1964

Vogel, Jaroslav: Leoš Janáček.- Praha 1964

Walter, Bruno: Gustav Mahler (+ A.Mahlerová: Dopisy G.Mahlera ? výběr).- Praha 1958

A more detailed list of recommended study literature is on the HAMU Music History and Theory Dept. website.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Participation in lectures, mastery of the lectured material including readings of recommended literature.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit at the end of the Winter semester over the lecture material. Credit is from a written exam.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16