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Organology 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
108ORG1 Z 2 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Jaromír HAVLÍK
Name of lecturer(s):
Jaromír HAVLÍK
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of the discipline: Introduction to Organology. A definition of the discipline its subject, method and research aims. Arrangement of organology into Musicology disciplines.

Mode of study:


Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

An obligatory course for Music Theory studies. Instruction is 2 hours per week in the Winter semester of the 1st year of the continuing Master's study. The course is concluded with credit at the end of the semester based on a written verification of knowledge. Series 1: Introduction to Organology. Definition of the field, its subject, methods and research goals. A history of the field as an inseparable part of the taxonomy of musicology. The main representatives of world organology and their works. Organology in the Czech lands and importatn Czech organologists. Important world and Czech collections of musical instruments. Series 2: The musical instrument as the pivotal subject of the interest of organology. Organological definition of a musical instrument and classification of musical instruments according to a basic organological viewpoint. Organological taxonomy - an overview and evaluation of the most important taxonomies of the past and present. Series 3/1: Individual groups of instruments according to organological classification.

Recommended or required reading:

Buchner, Alexandr: Hudební nástroje od pravěku k dnešku. Praha 1956

Buchner, Alexandr: Hudební nástroje národů. Praha 1969

Buchner, Alexandr: Musikinstrumente im Wandel der Zeiten. Praha 1956, 2Praha 1962

Buchner, Alexander: Nauka o hudobných nástrojoch. Košice 1938

Dräger, Hans Heinz: Prinzip einer Systematik der Musikinstrumente. Kasel-Basel, Bärenreiter, 1948

Elschek, Oskár: Organológia, jej disciplinárna genézia a dnešné úkoly. in: Hudební nástroje 1978, č. 1-5

Geiringer, Karl: Musical Instruments. London 1941, 21945

The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Ed. Stanley Sadie. 3 svazky, London etc., Macmillan Press Ltd. 1984

Havlík, Jaromír: Úvod do organologie. Skripta v přípravě, zatím ve formě interního materiálu u autora

Heyde, Herbert: Grundlagen des natürlichen Systems der Musikinstrumente. Leipzig 1972

Hornbostel, Erich Moritz von - Sachs, Curt: Systematik der Musikinstrumente: ein Versuch (in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie XLVI, 1914, s. 553 - 590; angl. překlad: A. Baines/K. Wachsmann: Classification of Musical Instruments in: The Galpin Society Journal XIV, 1961, 3)

Hutter, Josef: Hudební nástroje. Praha 1945

Keller, Jindřich: Katalogizace hudebních nástrojů v nespecializovaných muzeích (in: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce 1974, č.4

Kunz, Ludvík - Kurfürst, Pavel: Organologie I-III. Brno1971-76, 1977, 1978 (Sonderdrücke aus Acta Musei Moraviae)

Kurfürst, Pavel: Hudební nástroje. Praha, Togga 2002

Kurfürst, Pavel: Organologie (propedeutika, exemplifikace). Hradec Králové, Georgius, 1998

Kurfürst, Pavel: Základy organologické ikonologie. Brno 2001

Kurfürst, Pavel: Hudební nástroje jako akustické zdroje a možnosti jejich třídění pomocí samočinného počítače. in: Opus musicum 1975,č.8, s. 234-37

Modr, Antonín: Hudební nástroje. Praha 1937, 2 Praha 1945, .... 8Praha 1977

Norlind, Johann Henrik Tobias: Systematik der Saiteninstrumente. I. Geschichte der Zither . Stockholm 1936, II. Geschichte des Klaviers. Stockholm 1939, 2Hannover 1941

Riemann, Hugo: Katechismus der Musikinstrumente. Leipzig 1888 ad., český překlad J. Boleška : Katechismus hudebních nástrojů, Praha 1905

Sachs, Curt: Handbuch der Musikinstrumentenkunde. Leipzig 1920, 2Leipzig 1930

Sachs, Curt: Die modernen Musikinstrumente. Breslau 1923

Sachs, Curt: Geist und Werden der Musikinstrumente. Berlin 1929, nově Hilversum 1965

Sachs, Curt: Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente. Berlin 1913, faksimile Hildesheim 1962, NYC 1964

Wright, R: Dictionaire des instruments de musique. London 1941

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Participation in lectures, mastery of the lectured material including readings of recommended literature.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit at the end of the Winter semester over the lecture material. Credit is through a written confirmation of knowledge.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
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The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16