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New Circus 4

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Code Completion Credits Range Semester
109NC4 ZK 2 4/T summer
Subject guarantor:
Václav JELÍNEK, Štefan CAPKO
Name of lecturer(s):
Václav JELÍNEK, Štefan CAPKO
Learning outcomes of the course unit:


Students are introduced to basic juggling technique. The aim is to awaken and train a feeling for props so that in the creation of a production and regular performance students will be able to manage any type of prop in unusual manners. This technique is also appropriate for improving concetration. Students with exceptional talent for this circus discipline expand their skills significantly for application in practice.

Course - New Circus

„Development of circus arts“

Subtitle: „Selected chapters in the history of traditional circus, blending of theatre and circus disciplines and the rise of new circus“

Lecturer: MgA. Ondřej Cihlář

Study aims:

a) Introduction to a brief history of traditional circus, period contexts, composition principles of performance and manners of dividing circus arts (artistic disciplines) into a performance

b) Introduction to individual wave of interest of theatre artists in circus arts, reasons for those interests in the cultural-societal context and manners of using those disciplines in theatre performance.

c) Introduction to new circus, its history and the environment of its ascent so the principle difference in the use of circus arts is obviously different that traditional circus. Students receive a bearing in individual arts generations and are introduced to the most important groups, figures and performances which represent this contemporary genre.

Mode of study:


Juggling technique training.

Classes - New Circus:

Readings, lecture, moderated discussions, discussions, media recording example analyses, chats with active artists, lecturers, professionals.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Creativity and physical skill

New Circus course

1. General knowledge of the history of art.

2. Creativity

3. Analytical and review skills.

Recommended optional programme components:

No info.

Course contents:


Juggling balls from one to a group of three to an increased number to 5-7.

Parallel instruction in juggling cones and rings. Similar manner as with balls.

Students learn, first, separate tricks, then put together components. The final level is working in pairs or a group. In the exam the original use of the given technique in an etudes is tested.


„New Circus“ is a modern theatre form using circus arts in new contexts which moves it further or finds new ones. A fundamental innovation is the shift and investigation of the significance of this discipline. It is not about the presentation of virtuoso circus disciplines but the aim is that those disciplines are the media by which addition communication and impressions of theatre performance given. New circus investigates the potential of the synthetic linking of theatre and circus arts (disciplines) which create an inseparable whole.

- The first documented proof of circus arts

- The Middle Ages, comedians and wandering artists

- The rise of tradtional circus

- The most celebrated European circus, innovations in the USA, reverse influence of the European on the American

- Interweaving of theater and circus arts - three theatre reforms

- Influences of other types of arts (graphic arts, music, film)

- 70s and 80s - rise of New Circus

- New Circus and its development (reasons for its rise, differences from the traditional, development of the genre to today)

- Synthetic thought in creating a production.

Recommended or required reading:


1. Kludský Karel: Život v manéži.

2. Diplomová práce Dariny Čížkové: Vývoj umění žonglování. (2001)

Course - New circus:

-Ondřej Cihlář: Nový cirkus | Pražská scéna | Praha 2006

-Jindřich Honz: Roztočené jeviště | Praha 1925

-Karel Teige: Svět, který se směje | Akropolis | Praha 2004

-Karel Teige: Svět, který voní | Akropolis | Praha 2004

-Ladislava Petišková: Vždyť přece létat není tak snadné | Taneční listy 1999, č.7

-Karel Král: Nový cirkus (rozhovor s C. Turbou) | Svět a divadlo 1997, č.1

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

- regular juggling training

- regular lecture cycle, monitor and analysis of recorded productions.

- discussion and interactive creative collaboration of the students and instructor

- attending „New Circus“ peformances

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on:

- attendance in class and exercise instruction

- completion of a brief knowledge test

- essay.

Course web page:

Juggling is instructed other techniques in new circus in the „NEW CIRCUS“ course under the instruction of O. Cihlář.

Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16