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Singing 6

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
201ZPE6 Z 1 1/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Eduard KLEZLA, Tomáš TRAPL
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The course aim is not instruction in singing technique but the mastery of various genre songs and styles in a dramatic manner, that is, natural voice and intonation.

Mode of study:

Instruction is done by contact (individual lesson hours).

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

To register for this course the student must have credit for the previous semester (209ZPE5).

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

The course aim is not the instruction of singing technique - required is at least a basic understanding and mastery in singing classes in previous study-years or very obvious talent and originality in singing.

Instruction is only individual. Other students may attend as observers. The instructor may communication lessons also to them. Singing into a microphone accompanyied by the vocal coach.

With the help of copious amounts of examples and exercises (and assignments), in a dialog with the professor, the student gradually improves vocal interpretation and investigates for the student the most appropriate of the many manners of how to interpret the selected song.

The study literature may be in one or across many genres (Chanson, pop,rock, folk, blues,swing, musical and others). The selection of songs appropriate for instruction depends to a significant extent on the students selection and their natural talent.

During instruction concepts such as tremors, relaxation on stage, presentation of one's spoken word and other elements of the students stage identity in a general sense are addressed.

Working with the student's own songs, as with their singing ability to accompany themself (guitar, piano) or recording a song in studio form is beyond the standard instruction and is used for only the most talented students.

Recommended or required reading:



Šanson, standard:

My Funny Valentine; Blues o stabilitě (Jiří Suchý); Fly Me To The Moon (Frank Sinatra); Unforgettable; What A Wonderfull World (Louis Amstrong); I Got Rhythm; Blue MoonFeelings (Morris Albert); Svítá (Jaroslav Ježek); Somewhere (Leonard Bernstein); Kometa (Jaromír Nohavica); Mackie Messer

Pop, rock:

Jednou mi fotr povídá (Ivan Hlas); Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton); Šípková Růženka (Jiří Schellinger); Something (Beatles); Let It Be (Beatles); Pramínek vlasů (Jiří Suchý); Karavana mraků (Karel Kryl); Perfect Day (Lou Reed); Imagine (John Lennon); Stín katedrál (Petr Muk); Behind Blue Eyes (Limp Bizkit); Angels (Robbie Williams); Giordano Bruno (Olympic); Severní vítr (Jaroslav Uhlíř); Samba v kapkách deště (Burma Jones)


Pilátův sen (Jesus Christ Superstar); Herodův song (Jesus Christ Superstar); Jak ze sna procitám (Jesus Christ Superstar); Nespravedlivý Bůh (Dracula); Zítra si pohlédnou do očí (Krysař); Bouře (Krysař); Prázdný stůl i židle prázdné (Les Misérables); Tam ve hvězdách (Les Misérables); Nevyplacený blues (Dobře placená procházka); Ty jsi švarná (Dobře placená procházka); Sandy (Pomáda); To je ta chvíle (Jekyll a Hyde); Touha znát (Tři mušketýři); High Flying Adored (Evita); I Got Live (Hair); Maria (West Side Story); Manchester England (Hair); Z výšky orlů (Kleopatra); Why God Why (Miss Saigon)


Šanson, standard:

The Man I Love (Billie Holiday); Černá Jesse (Hana Hegerová); Čerešně (Hana Hegerová); Blázen a dítě (Hana Hegerová); Lásko má (Hana Hegerová); Zlá neděle (Hana Hegerová); Čím dál tím víc (Hana Hegerová); Dream A Little Dream Of Me; Slunečnice (Inka Zemánková); Lampa (Marta Kubišová);Summertime (Leonard Bernstein); Shadow Of Your Smile;

Pop, rock:

Killing Me Softly With His Song (Roberta Flack); Lásko, voníš deštěm (Marie Rottrová); Son Of A Preacher Man (Sarah Connor); True Colors (Cyndi Lauper); Slza z tváře padá (Helena Vondráčková); Tentokrát se budu smát já (Helena Vondráčková); Ironic (Alanis Morissette); The Way We Were (Barbra Streisand); Balada o kornetovi a dívce (Marta Kubišová); Do nebes (Zuzana Navarová); Indiánská (Zuzana Navarová); A Deus (Zuzana Navarová); Sunrise (Norah Jones); Don´t Speak (No Doubt); Strach (Lucie Vondráčková);


Samotářka (Les Misérables); Knížka snů (Les Misérables); Mít rád bližního svého (Jesus Christ Superstar); Cabaret (Cabaret); Maybe This Time (Cabaret); Air (Hair); Easy To Be Hard (Hair); Good Morning Starshine (Hair); You Must Love Me (Evita); Utiš se má Argentino (Evita); Věřím, tedy padám (Tajemství); Pátá (Rebelové);People (Funny girl);Teď královnou jsem já (Kleopatra);Fredy, ty můj (Pomáda); Buď můj (Pomáda); Nebe to ví (Johanka z Arku);Chtěla bych tančit jen (My Fair Lady); When You're Good To Mama (Chicago);


Dámy vládnou (Kleopatra); Where The Wild Roses Grow (Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue); Vy byste pořád seděla (Kdyby tisíc klarinetů); Dotýkat se hvězd (Kdyby tisíc klarinetů); Chůze (Bratři Ebenové); Láska prý (Dvorský a Černoch); A Hold New World (Aladin); Hlaď mě a líbej (Suchý a Šlitr); Dáme si do bytu (Kačírková a Bek); Šašek a Adriana (Dracula); Vím, že jsi se mnou (Dracula); All I Ask Of You (Phantom of the Opera); The Time Of My Life (Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes); Saxofon (Miss Saigon); Sestry (Krysař).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

individual instruction

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on activity in individual classes. Completed semester: Z.

Course web page:

The song repertoire is influenced by the singing talents of the student.

Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
(paralelka 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 14:30–17:00 TRAPL T.
paralelka 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16