Česká verzeČeská verze

Dramaturgy 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
204DTD1 ZK 3 1/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Miloslav KLÍMA
Name of lecturer(s):
Miloslav KLÍMA
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

1. Looking for a personal theme.

2. Looking for your own means of expression.

3. Preparing your own projects.

4. First draft for MA level SZZ.

Mode of study:

Presentational, analytical and comparative approach to individual projects. Project presentation and partial results. Presentation of the final stage form, its defense and mutual analysis with a view to the components presented in the study aims.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

General knowledge of Czech and world literature.

Good bearing in literature for children and youth.

Good bearing in graphic and music arts.

Gradually improving knowledge of Czech and world drama literature.

Gradually improving knowledge of theatre research literature.

Analytical review skills.


An on-going study of the history and present of Czech and world theatre including alternative and puppet theatre is required.

Completion of the DAMU Directing-Dramaturgy bachelors study or adequate study a another arts school. If a non-arts school, then a talent entrance exam.

Recommended optional programme components:

One's stage project executed outside the study plan.

Course contents:


1. Looking for a personal theme.

2. Looking for your own means of expression.

3. Preparing your own projects.

4. First draft for MA level SZZ.


1. Looking for a personal theme; your own style; the type of genre; central and dominant theme.

2. Looking for your own means of expression; capacity for self-reflection, to compare and summarise your observations, both emotional and rational.

3. Preparing your own projects; activating the component parts; seeking stimulation.

4. First creative draft MA level SZZ; summarising the creative and learning process used so far; formulation of conclusions.

(According to yearly plans the lecturers shall specify the works forming the basis of studies for individual steps.)

Recommended or required reading:

To be specified in the annual study plans according to the creative projects selected.

Supplemented by other literature stated in the accreditation materials of the KALD DAMU study plan posted on the KALD DAMU websites.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lectures and classes, analysis colloquia related to the Summary review.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit and resulting grades will be awarded based on:

- Class participation

- summary project

- unimplemented but prepared projects

- with consideration of projects beyond the study plan.

Course web page:

Considering that course is lead by various instructors it is necessary to respect he minor diversions from the specific intentions of the lecturing instructor.

Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16