Česká verzeČeská verze

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
204NMO4 ZK 6 6/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim is to enrich individual bearing in the selected intentions and develop ones creative approach, leading to independent artistic practice (See textbook).

Mode of study:

Creativity discussions, exercises, one's work on projects and implementation, analysis of recording samples and their presentation.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No requirements for registration.

Recommended optional programme components:

No limits given.

Course contents:

The study content is an inter-discipline research of the situation of man in a multi-dimensional environment, from the physical through mental (emotional, rational and spiritual), to social and cultural connections and interaction in information and idea spaces, where the protagonist is not only a participant but, also, a co-creator of changes functioning on a feedback principle (for more see textbook)

Study Curriculum:

(for details see textbook)

Series I: Static image - composition on a surface

1st block: Still-life (object) - observation and vision

2nd block: Protrait (subject) - expression (image)

Series II: Movement of an image - composition in a space

3rd block: Shape and space - external space, mental and spiritual dimension

4th block: Figure (body) - internal (personal) space (intimacy)

Series III: Image of motion - composition in time

5th block: Object in motion (machine/robot) - mechanical rhythm

6th block: Figure in motion (gesture/dance/voice) - biological rhythm

Series IV: Image of events - composition in context

7th block: Event (in a surroundings) - construction/deconstruction

8th block: Story (in society) - komposition/decomposition

Series V: Presentation - medialization

9th block: Communication and context

10th block: Complex systems

Series VI: Final work - individual theme.

Recommended or required reading:

Required readings:

Textbook - Divadlo v netradičním prostoru, performance a site specific

Performance Art: from Futurism to the Present, RoseLee Goldberg, T & H-London

Recommended readings:

Performance: Live Art Since 1960, RoseLee Goldberg, Abrams-New York

Live: Art and performance, Adrian Heathfield, Tate-London

Out of Actions, Paul Schimmel, MOMA-Los Angeles

(others: see textbook)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lectures, screenings, exercises, consultations

Assessment methods and criteria:

Attendance and initiative

Completed etudes and exercises

Attendance at colloquia and group events

Project concept and implementation

One's own activity

(Strength of all criteria graded proportionally)

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16