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Transformation of Spaces 4

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Semester
204NPR4 Z 2 2/T summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

1/ To attain a better overview of the development of approaches to space conversion/transformation for new uses through artistic intervention, in a context of historical relationships, current theory, and implemented dramaturgical and architectural projects.

2/ Develop skills in the creative interaction of an environment outside of traditional spaces used for drama.

3/ To analyse the content and technical potential and limits of theatre in tranformed spaces from a perspective of spatial relationships, architecture and technical situation of newly used objects.

Mode of study:

Contact instruction, lecture and discussions in relation to completed projects. Excursions with commentary. Media recording analyses.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of 204NTP 3 Space Transformation 3.

General knowledge of fundamental theatrological studies. Analysis and independent review skills. Creativity in alternative environments.

Recommended optional programme components:

One's project prepared outside the study plan.

Course contents:

Radical changes in evaluation criteria after 1989, accompanied by the restructuralization and suppression of economic programs, set up new and distinctive topics for artistic work, primarily (similar to how it happened earlier in Western Europe and the United States) opened space for the alternative, with new content aimed towards theatre works. Quite significantly connected to the location which went through the transformation, it generated the potential for new uses of objects and areas which lost their original function but, however, represented exceptional potential for the development of artistic and economic activity.

The course, in the context of the development of architectural thought and on the background of general cultural and social changes, captures how the situation was projected onto drama. Concurrent with the development of the theory basis (Industrial inheretance - paradox of purposes, representativity and existential experience; Industrial architecture in a historic perspective - the technical development and change of evaluation criteria. The starting point for capturing the image of the disappearing industrial era - models of development, industrial ruins as part of cultural heritage. Historical experience of the transformation of non-functional objects and spaces for new uses - sustainable development places an emphasis on the implementation of a project connected with the transformation of an object and space. Analysis of the motivation and development of formal means which condition the quality of the resulting work. The student is guided to the completion of some selected topics (with emphasis on the alternative use of the transformed space as a specific segment of cultural heritage.) with references to examples or experience from domestic and foreign environments. The aim is also to deal with the topics in the perspective of inter-trade discussions, not only for the use of theatre. This is a characteristic example in the entry into an industrial environment. The example is, from the viewpoint of architectural theory, conservation, cultural and social aspects of spending free time, principles of sustainable development, adaptability to economic potential an emphasis on the reinforcement of creative approach and alternative treatments.

Reviews of prepared workshops and semester summary original projects from the selected locations on an assigned topic-example of topics:

Space as a genius loci; Transformed space as the cultural potential of further changes; Space, Object and Actor; Changes in object function through artistic intervention - interactivity , commuication and communicative; The Site Specific phenomenon and industrial heritage; Artistic activity in a transformed space as a one-time or long-term part of artistic intentions; Architecture conversion (dramaturgy/stage narration) and suitability of the new construction/stage interventions to a new used space; Credibility of the interpretation of a location with respect to/contradition of location memory; Authenticity of the transformed space confirmed by the truth of the communication, scenery; The space as inspiration of the relationship of an actor with the environment, Definition/contradiction; Joining stage-space for the actor. definition/contradiction/linking the auditorium - for the public in a transformed alternative space.

Relationship of location with the topic, Classification of locations, participation in the project. Preparations of one's own original project.

Experience from one's artistic projects will be assessed in the teamwork on a topic area. An inseparable part is theory and practice continuity in the creation of the project.

Aspects of the courses are reflected in the potential of the resulting project form.

Recommended or required reading:

Recommended or required readings:

Benjamin W. (1979), Dílo a jeho zdroj, Odeon, Praha

Bordage F. ed. (2002): The Factories. Coversions for Urban Culture/ TransEuropeHalles, Basel

Braun K. (2001): Divadelní prostor. NAMU. Praha

Brook P. (1987): Prázdný prostor. Nakladatelství Studia Ypsilon. Praha

Darley G. (2003): Factory. Reaktion Books Ltd. London

Day Ch. (2004): Duch a místo. ERA. Brno

Dvořáková E., Fragner B., Šenberger T. (2007): Industriál - paměť - východiska. Titanic -Grada, Praha

Edensor T. (2005): Industrial Ruins / Space, Aestetics and Materiality. Oxford -New York

Fragner B. ed. (2008): Průmyslové dědictví / Industrial heritage. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodního bienále Industriální stopy. ČVUT, Praha

Frampton K. (2004): Moderní architektura. Kritické dějiny. Academia,Praha

Fragner B., Hanzlová A. (2005): Industriální stopy -architektura konverzí průmyslového dědictví / Vestiges of Industry -architectural conversion of industrial heritage. VCPD ČVUT, Praha

Fragner B., Valchářová V. eds. (2010): Průmyslové dědictví ve vzduchoprázdnu mezi profesionály a amatéry. ČVUT, Praha

Hlaváček E. (1985): Architektura pohybu a proměn. Odeon, Praha

Jakubec I., Jindra Z. (2006): Dějiny hospodářství českých zemí od počátku industrializace do konce habsburské monarchie. Univerzita Karlova -Karolinum.

Maier K. (2000): Urbanistická čítanka I. Česká komora architektů, Praha

Norberg-Schulz Ch. (1994): Genius loci. K fenomenologii architektury. Odeon, Praha, (2. vydání, Dokořán, Praha 2010)

Pavlík M. a kol. (1998): Regenerace historických budov, sídel a krajiny, ochrana památek. Skripta. Fakulta architektury ČVUT, Praha

Stratton M. ed. (2000): Industrial Buildings. Conservation and regeneration. E & FN Spon, London

Václavová D., Žižka T. a kol. (2009): Site specific. Pražská scéna, Praha

Veselý D. (2008): Architektura ve věku rozdělené reprezentace. Academia, Praha

Žák L. (1947): Obytná krajina. 1-212. S. V. U. Mánes - Svoboda. Praha

Internet references: www.industrialnistopy.cz; www.vcpd.cvut.cz

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Classes, course paper, commented excursions, project preparations.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Teamwork, participation in the colloquium, project concept.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16