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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
204PVD4 ZK 2 3/T Czech summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

A series of classes that combines a chronological overview and theory context with the independent profiles of important artists. looking for parallels in the fine arts and theatre (3 fine arts lectures, 1 theatre lecture). Artistic trends are related to their idea sources (modernism, marxism, pscho-analysis, post-modern, etc.) Arts and theory influence each other. Works of the 1960s require a particuarly type of „explanation“ and are understood only in a historical, social and theory context...or....Art is not a matter of like/don't like, but requires a particular requirement of thought. An artwork cannot, without the rest be explained. It has it's own hidden parts. Along with artists such as Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Nam Jun Paike, the ideas of theorists like Theodor Adorno, Guy Debord, Walter Benjamin, Rosalind Krauss, Nicolas Bourriaud and others are presented.

Thesis: Along with the creation of pictures, scuptures or theatre plays...the conceptual creation of significance is equally fundamental.

The purpose is a bearing in contemporary graphic and theatre productions in the appropriate idea context.

Mode of study:

Lecture, selected readings and discussions on them, class paper and its anlaysis

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No knowledge requirements.

Recommended optional programme components:
No further recommended optional study components.
Course contents:

Aesthetics as a research discipline: Subject and method. When and how does something become art?

The turn of the 19th to 20th century: Principle of mimicking, First crisis after impressionism and post-impressionism, fundamental crisis: the avant garde.

Marcel Duchamp, ready-made, new artistic category

American Modernsim after 1945, Jackson Pollock.

Europe after 1945: Art Brut, Informel and Tachism, Independent Group (Richard Hamilton). Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin and the Frankfurt School.

USA of the 1950s: John Cage: Silence and Chance in art, Black Mountain College. Merce Cunningham, Allan Kaprow, event, piece, environment, happening.

Lettrist and Situationist International (Guy Debord)

The 1960s, New Realism, Pierre Restany, Yves Klein.

Pop-art, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein. Dialog between mass culture and art, „high and low“.

Fluxus and concept of intermedialism, George Maciunas, Dick Higgins.

Viennese Actionism, Hermann Nitsch.

Op-art, Victor Vasarely. Minimalism (Frank Stella, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Donald Judd)

Art of Superstition (1967, Mario Merz, Jannis Kounellis)

Conceptual art, 1968, Sol LeWitt, Joseph Kosuth, institutional acceptance

Joseph Beuys, When a figure becomes a form. Social sculpture, political engagement.

Performative dimension in many approaches.

Videoart and Nam June Paik, The Kitchen, Woody and Steina Vasulka

Recommended or required reading:

V. Zuska: Estetika, úvod do současné tradiční disciplíny, Praha 2001.

J. Chalupecký: Úděl umělce. Duchampovské meditace, Praha 1998.

W. Benjamin: Umělecké dílo ve věku své technické reprodukovatelnosti, 1936.

T. Pospiszyl (ed.): Před obrazem. Antologie americké výtvarné teorie a kritiky, Praha 1998.

A. Dempseyová: Umělecké styly, školy a hnutí, Praha 2002.

Hal Foster, Rosalind Kraussová, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin Buchloh: Umění po roce 1900, Praha 2007.

R. Osborne, D. Strugis, N. Turner: Teorie umění, Portál, Praha 2008

R. Krauss: Sochařství v rozšířeném poli, In: K. Císař (ed.), Sochy v ulicích? Stav věcí, Brno 2011.

L. Dolanová: Steina a Woody Vasulkovi. Dialog s démony nástrojů, Praha 2011.

T. Kulka, D. Ciporanov, Co je umění? Texty angloamerické estetiky 20. století, Praha 2011.

M. Greil: Stopy rtěnky. Tajná historie dvacátého století, Olomouc 1998.

G. Debord: Společnost spektáklu. Praha 2007.

L. Kesner: Vizuální teorie, Praha 1997.

H. Belting: Konec dějin umění, Praha 2000.

J. Cage: Silence. Přednášky a texty, Praha 2010.

N. Bourriard: Relational Aesthetics. Dijon 1998.

Sešity pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, AVU Praha.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lecture, Classes, discussion

Assessment methods and criteria:

Class participation and discussion, at least 80% attendance.

Course paper grading. Oral exam after 2 semesters.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16