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Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
205ADY1 Z 1 8/S Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To be able to select an appropriate prosaic text with good dramatic potential and based on this to create a script which will respect the basic literary quality of the original text, while at the same time increase its dramatic and theatrical quality. Proceeding from the knowledge of the group for which the script is intended, (age, composition, experience, interests), as well from the student's own abililties and the possibilities will reflect in choice, the manner of transforming the model and measure of the author's participation in the final reading of the script.

Mode of study:

Readings, moderated discussions, discussions, literary basis analyses and other texts, creative writing

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Orientation in theory literature issues and in the fundamentals of dramaturgy. Ability to discern the dramatic quality of a text and work with it with an idea of possible staging. Active interest in theatre production and the dramaturgy of children and youth ensembles and in some cases one's own experience in their leadership.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:


- Types of dramatizations

- Transformation operations

- Stage transcript

- Dramatization

- Independent work of the students on the script


- Types of dramatizations: analysis of selected orginal texts and various manners of dramatization (script reading, video); basic dramatization classifications.

- Transformation operations: selection, substitution, amplification, condensing, recomposition, language operations; epic and drama principles; illusory and non-illusory concepts.

- Stage transcript: Collaborative work on a short prosaic text (analysis, proposal of several dramaturgic-directorial concepts, text adaptations).

- Dramatization: Collaborative work on a more extensive prosaic text (analysis, proposal of several dramaturgic-directorial concepts, selection of appropriate transformation operations, setting dialog for situations, creating the script).

- Independent student work on a script: selection of a model with consideration of a particular group, analysis, drama-directorial concept, type of dramatization, transformation operations, script creation, collaborative consultations of individual phases of the work.

Recommended or required reading:

KONÝVKOVÁ, Irena. Kroky a hledání při práci s dětským divadelním souborem. Tvořivá dramatika. 1998, roč. IX, č. 2-3, s. 18-23. ISSN 1211-8001.

MATHAUSOVÁ, Milena. 12 pádů scenáristiky: scenáristický slabikář. Praha: Victoria Publishing, 1996. 162 s. ISBN 80-7187-071-4.

NOVOTNÝ, David Jan. Chcete psát scénář? Díl 1: Základy dramaturgie. Praha: FAMU, 1995. 96 s. ISBN 80-85883-06-6.

PALARČÍKOVÁ, Alena. Tygr v oku aneb O tvorbě inscenace s dětmi a mládeží. Praha: STD; Společnost Amatérské divadlo a svět, 2001. 144 s. ISBN 80-901660-5-9.

PANOVOVÁ, Olga. Cesty detskej literatúry na javisko. Bratislava: Mladé letá, 1989. 136 s. ISBN 80-06-00149-9.

RICHTER, Luděk. Literatura, divadlo a my: převod literárního díla do loutkového divadla. Praha: ÚKVČ; Hradec Králové: KKS Hradec Králové, 1985. 136 s.

---. Od pohádky... ...k pohádce: (Od literatury k divadlu). Praha: Praha: Společenství pro pěstování divadla pro děti a mládež Dobré divadlo dětem, 2005. 96 s. ISBN 80-902975-4-4.

---. Pohádka... a divadlo. Praha: Společenství pro pěstování divadla pro děti a mládež Dobré divadlo dětem, 2004. 96 s. ISBN 80-902975-2-8.

SLAVÍK, Mirek. Cesta k divadelnímu tvaru s dětským souborem. Praha: IPOS-ARTAMA, 1996. 52 s. ISBN 80-7068-094-6.

WATTS, Nigel. Umění psát, Přel. Rostislav Matulík. Praha: Grada Publishing, 1998. 220 s. Přel. z: Writing a novel and getting published [1996]. ISBN 80-7169-570-X.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Classes, discussion, creative work, group work.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on: class participation.

During the semester independent readings and participation in class discussions are required, particularly taking part in the consultation of colleagues' work.

Condtions for successfull completion of the course: class participation, development of one's own dramatization.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16