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Didactics of Drama in Education 3

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Code Completion Credits Range Semester
205DRV3 Z 2 10/S summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To provide students with the whole range of knowledge about drama training instruction in all its forms, to lead them to conscientious and systematic treatment with practical experience, to the formaltion and identification of all elements and parts of the drama training teacher profession.

Mode of study:

Moderated discussions, Discussions, Analyses of media recordings. Group project preparations. Monitoring of student work and didactic projects with subsequent evaluation. Consultations on student work.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

1. Student is able to consider the context of drama training.

2. Student is able to consider the goals of the work, create and assess it with consideration of those goals.

3. Student is able to review and assess their work.

4. In individual semesters of didactics instruction, students bring to instruction knowledge acquired in the practical focus of the courses (Practical I, II, Methods in Working with a Children's Ensemble..)

5. Individual semesters of didactics instruction are linked together. Registration presumed the fulfillment of requirement from the previous semester in didactics.

Recommended optional programme components:

Preparation and completion of additional teaching projects beyond the requirements.

Course contents:

1. The particulars of Drama Training and its principles

Principles of Drama Training with other styles and studies of training and education. Principles specific to Drama Training

2. The process in Drama training

The relationship of the process to product in Drama training. Group, space, styles of guidance, behaviour and actions of the teacher in the lesson. „Class management“ (managing the process). Verbal management methods, the teacher in a role, other types of motivation and guidance. Lesson structure.

3. Planning in Drama trainin and establishing goals.

Planning. Formulating goals. Selecting teaching tools.

4. Forms of Drama Training

Education forms. Various organizational and institutional forms in Drama training; amateur drama training, school drama training. Drama methods in teaching other subjects, at various levels. Drama training in special education, health and social services. Drama training in preparing teachers.

5. Drama Training content

Sources of Drama training content. Education transformation of selected knowledge.

6. Drama training methods

Directions of drama around the world. Types of classifying methods. Improvisation models. Topic wholes and drama structuring. Improvisation according to a narrative (playmaking). Acting and exercises, their systems, aim and arrangement.

7. Theatre practice with children and youth

Issues of public performance. Conditions of public performance and their assessment. Psychology of children's stage performance. The production generation process. Critique in children's and youth theatre. Competitions and reviews.

8. Grading in Drama training

Diagnostics. Classification, Evaluation. Criteria and normative grading. On-going and final grading. Evaluating individuals and groups. Auxilliary grading tables. Teacher self-assessment.

9. Education projects

During the lesson the teach is understood as a so called education project. The group in collaboration with the instructor selects material, based on which they agree as a smaller group on the topic or basis (2-3 students). The project is implemented with their own or another group.

10. Course paper

The students select an education topic from the offerings by the instructor, either general or linked to some Drama training form, type of school, age or institution, subject, etc.

Recommended or required reading:

BUDÍNSKÁ, Hana. Hry pro šest smyslů: Kartotéka pro loutkáře i neloutkáře, kteří si umějí hrát s dětmi. 7., uprav. vyd. Praha: NIPOS-ARTAMA, 2008 [1984]. 28, 16, 218 s. ISBN 978-80-7068-217-3.

CANGELOSI, James S. Strategie řízení třídy: Jak získat a udržet spolupráci žáků při výuce. Přel. Milan Koldinský. Praha: Portál, 1994. 296 s. Přel. z: Cooperation in the classroom: Students and teachers together. ISBN 80-7118-022-7.

ČÁP, Jan; MAREŠ, Jiří. Psychologie pro učitele. Praha: Portál, 2001. 656 s. ISBN 80-7178-463-X.

DISMAN, Miloslav. Receptář dramatické výchovy. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1976. 148 s.

HELUS, Zdeněk. Dítě v osobnostním pojetí: obrat k dítěti jako výzva a úkol pro učitele i rodiče. Praha: Portál, 2004. 228 s. ISBN 80-7178-888-0.

KASÍKOVÁ, Hana. Kooperativní učení, kooperativní škola. Praha: Portál, 1997. 152 s. ISBN 80-7178-167-3.

MACKOVÁ, Silva. Dramatická výchova. Brno: JAMU, Divadelní fakulta, 2004. 216 s. ISBN 80-85429-93-4.

MACHKOVÁ, Eva. Jak se učí dramatická výchova: didaktika dramatické výchovy. Praha: AMU, Divadelní fakulta, katedra výchovné dramatiky, 2004. ISBN 80-7331-021-X.

---. Metodika dramatické výchovy: zásobník dramatických her a improvizací. 11., upravené vyd. Praha: Sdružení pro tvořivou dramatiku, 2007 [1978]. 156 s. ISBN 978-80-901660-9-0.

---. Úvod do studia dramatické výchovy. 2., upravené vyd. Praha: NIPOS, 2007. 198 s. ISBN 978-80-7068-207-4.

MILLAR(OVÁ), Susanna. Psychologie hry. Přel. Jarmila Milnerová. Praha: Panorama, 1978. 360 s. Přel. z: The Psychology of Play. Edice Pyramida.

MLEJNEK, Josef. Dětská tvořivá hra. 2., přeprac. vyd. Praha: IPOS ARTAMA, 1997.152 s. ISBN 80-7068-104-7.

MORGAN(OVÁ), Norah; SAXTON(OVÁ), Juliana. Vyučování dramatu: hlava plná nápadů. Přel. Helena Zymonová a Jaroslav Provazník. Praha: STD, 2001. 252 s. Přel. z Teaching drama: a mind of many wonders [1987]. ISBN 80-901660-2-4.

PALARČÍKOVÁ, Alena. Tygr v oku aneb O tvorbě inscenace s dětmi a mládeží. Praha: STD; Společnost Amatérské divadlo a svět, 2001. 144 s. ISBN 80-901660-5-9.

PASCH, Marvin; GARDNER, Trevor G.; SPARKS-LANGER(OVÁ), Georgea; STARK(OVÁ), Alane J.; MOODY(OVÁ), Christella D. Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Přel. Milan Koldinský, Praha: Portál, 1998. 424 s. Přel. z: Teaching as Decision Making [1991, 1995]. ISBN 80-7178-127-4.

PIAGET, Jean; INHELDER(OVÁ), Bärbel. Psychologie dítěte. Přel. Eva Vyskočilová, Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1970. 116 s. Klub přátel pedagogické literatury. Přel. z: La psychologie de l´enfant.

ULRYCHOVÁ, Irina; GREGOROVÁ, Vlasta; ŠVEJDOVÁ, Hana. Hrajeme si s pohádkami: dramatická výchova v mateřské škole a na 1. stupni základní školy. Praha: Portál, 2000. 120 s. ISBN 80-7178-355-2.

VALENTA, Josef. Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy. 3. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s., 2008. 352 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1865-1.

WAY, Brian. Rozvoj osobnosti dramatickou improvizací. Přel. Eva Machsková. Praha: ISV nakladatelství, 1996. 220 s. Přel. z: Development Through Drama [1967]. ISBN 80-85866-16-1.

Tvořivá dramatika. Vydává NIPOS-pracoviště ARTAMA ve spolupráci se Sdružením pro tvořivou dramatiku a katedrou výchovné dramatiky DAMU. 1990-, roč. 1, č. 0-. Praha: NIPOS-pracoviště ARTAMA. 3x ročně. ISSN 1211-8001.

školní dokumenty (RVP, vzdělávací program Obecná/Občanská škola, alternativní programy aj.)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lecture, Class, preparation and completion of projects and their assessment. Discussions. Supervision and mentoring. Review and work evaluation. Analysis of practice recordings. Student self-review and assessment.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit from the linked semesters of Drama Training Didactics is gradually awarded based on:

class participation,

completion of the semester paper

creation of a didactics project

implementation of a project and its assessment

assessment of a selected project by another group, another instructor

sitting the final test and oral interview.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16