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Psychology and Drama in Education 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
205PDR2 ZK 2 13/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The course aim is to provide students with a sufficient bearing in psychology for their teaching practice. To create the ability to create a sensible and relevant definition of psychological phenomena based on their knowledge and knowledge of the literature. To know personality development and developmental particulars of drama training target groups (young school age, pensioners, etc.). To understand the behaviour of difficult to manage children and broaden the potential managment of that behaviour. Among other aims is that to introduce student to a better understanding of the concept of personality. To teach them to select appropriate teaching approaches based on knowledge of individual personality types. Finally, to map the borders between psychotherapy and drama training.

Mode of study:

professional literature study, discussion, text analyses, contact instruction, group work

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

- Empathy and ability to cooperate in various large groups.

- Basic knowledge of psychology and education.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

This course in psychology and its use for the Drama training instructor contains a survey of psychology, the organization and understanding of psychology terminology, an familiarization with the fundamentals of psychology trends, their paradigms and contributions and psychology disciplines (developmental psychology, social psychology, etc.) Parts also include self-experience, psychological tests and surveys, drama therapy methods and psychotherapy targeting the body.

- Psychology

- General psychology (mental phenomena and processes)

- Psychology methods, psychological and social research methods,

- personality diagnostics

- basic developmental psychology

- basics of personality psychology

- basics of social psychology.

- Applied psychology, education, psychology and actor's psychology.

- Mental problems and psycho-pathology, crisis intervention

- Drama training and pscyhotherapy

- Additional contributions of psychology to Drama training, fairy tale archetypes and psychotherapy targeting the body.

Recommended or required reading:

ATKINSON, Rita L.; ATKINSON, Richard C.; SMITH, Edward E.; BEM, Daryl J.; NOLEN-HOEKSEMA, Susan. Psychologie. Přel. Erik Herman, Miroslav Petržela a Dagmar Brejlová. 2., aktul. vyd. Praha: Portál, 2003. 752 s. Přel. z: Hilgard´s Introduction to Psychology. ISBN 80-7178-640-3.

ČÁP, Jan. Psychologie výchovy a vyučování. Praha: Karolinum; Praha: H & H, 1993. 416 s. ISBN 80-7066-534-3.

DRAPELA, Victor J. Přehled teorií osobnosti. Přel. Karel Balcar. Praha: Portál, 1997. 176 s. Přel. z: Review of personality theories [1987]. ISBN 80-7178-134-7.

GILLERNOVÁ, Ilona. Slovník základních pojmů z psychologie. Praha: Fortuna, 80 s. ISBN 80-7168-683-2.

GILLERNOVÁ, Ilona; BURIÁNEK, Jiří. Základy psychologie, sociologie: základy společenských věd. Praha: Fortuna, 1995. 160 s. ISBN 80-7168-242-X.

HAYES(OVÁ), Nicky. Aplikovaná psychologie. Přel. Dagmar Brejlová. Praha: Portál, 2003. 220 s. Přel. z: Applied psychology [2001]. ISBN 80-7178-807-4.

---. Základy sociální psychologie. Přel. Irena Štěpaníková. 3. vyd. Praha: Portál, 1998. 168 s. Přel. z: Principles of Social Psychology [1993]. ISBN 80-7178-763-9.

HELUS, Zdeněk. Psychologie pro střední školy. Praha: Fortuna, 1995. 120 s. ISBN 80-7168-245-4.

HOSKOVEC, Milan; NAKONEČNÝ, Milan; SEDLÁKOVÁ, Miluše. Psychologie XX. století I. Praha: Karolinum, 1993. 108 s. ISBN 80-7066-714-1.

JANOUŠEK, Jaromír; HOSKOVEC, Jiří; ŠTIKAR, Jiří. Psychologický výkladový atlas. Praha: Karolinum-Academia, 1993. 284 s. ISBN 80-7066-716-8.

NAKONEČNÝ, Milan. Lexikon psychologie. Praha: Vodnář, 1995. 400 s. 80-85255-74-X.

---. Úvod do psychologie. Praha: Academia, 2003. 508 s. ISBN 80-200-0993-0.

ŘÍČAN, Pavel. Psychologie: příručka pro studenty. Praha: Portál, 2005. 288 s. ISBN 80-7178-923-2.

VÁGNEROVÁ, Marie. Vývojová psychologie: Dětství, dospělost, stáří (Praha: Portál, 2000. 528 s. ISBN 80-7178-308-0.

VÝROST, Jozef; SLAMĚNÍK, Ivan. Sociální psychologie = Sociálna psychológia. Praha: ISV, 1997. 456 s. ISBN 80-85866-20-X.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lecture, classes with practical results

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded base on class participation.

Conditions for receiving credit: The student has a good bearing in the basic psychological concepts, is able to specify individual developmental periods in relation to drama training, and is able to describe the basic theory of personality and apply it to the education process.

Part of the exam is the defense of the individual work.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16