Česká verzeČeská verze

Czech Theatre Infrastructure 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Semester
206DSC2 ZK 2 2/T summer
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To introduce students to the current situation and development of the Czech Republic theatre network and all its forms. In derivation, to uncover the effects of various influences on theatre pieces (various types of art, political and economic situation) and to uncover the broad issues of theatre production demonstrated by an analysis of performance attendance and theatre spaces across the Czech Republic.

Mode of study:

Interactive course and exercises. Students work in two or three-member teams in which they develop an assigned area. The collected material is then supplemented with a thorough analyses and subsequent interactive presentation of the region before the other students and other interested parties from the Production Dept.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of The Theatre Network in the Czech Republic (206DVS1).

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Pivotal classes in analysis and interpretation of the Czech theatre network based on personal visits to individual regional centers of theatre events (key places on the Czech Republic theatre map). Meetings with leading figures of local theatre life and personal viewings of theatre peformances.

The course content is a mapping and presentation of all important theatre institutions in the Czech Republic (theatres, festivals, independent arts groups, spaces) from the viewpoint of focus, target group, other organizational, economic and artistic aspects. The course is supplemented by a two-day visit to the largest theatre centers aside from Prague, that is, Brno and Ostrava and six one-day visits to other important regional theatre centers (Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, Liberec, Plzeň, Ústí nad Labem, Olomouc). These intensive classes are completed by all students with the instructor during which several theatre performances are viewed connected with personal meetings with the management of those organizations.


1. Introductory presentation of the Czech Republic theatre network

2. Creation of working groups and assignment of topics/regions for development.

3. Visits to regions (personal meetings with management organizations, viewing performances, analysis class)

4. Presentation of subsequent interactive presentations.

Recommended or required reading:

BRAUN, Kazimierz. Druhá divadelní reforma? Přel. Jiří Vondráček. Praha: Divadelní ústav; Praha: Městská knihovna; Praha: AMU; Brno: JAMU, 1993. 176 s. Přel. z: Druga reforma teatru? ISBN 80-7008-037-X.

Braun, Kazimierz. Divadelní prostor. Praha AMU 2001.

BROCKETT, Oscar G. Dějiny divadla. Přel. Milan Lukeš a Zdena Benešová. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny; Praha: Divadelní ústav, 1999. 948 s. Přel. z: History of the Theatre [1968, 1999]. ISBN 80-7008-096-5 (Divadelní ústav). 80-7106-364-9 (Lidové noviny).

BROOK, PETER. Prázdný prostor. Přel. Alois Bejblík. Praha: Panorama, 1988. 232 s. Přel. z: The Empty Space.

Císař, Jan. Přehled dějin českého divadla I. + II. Praha: AMU 2004.

Císař, Jan. Základy dramaturgie. Praha: AMU 2009.

Česká divadla - encyklopedie divadelních souborů. Ed.: Eva Schormová. Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2000. 616 s. ISBN 80-7008-107-4

HYVNAR, JAN: Francouzská divadelní reforma, Praha: Pražská scéna, 1999.

PAVIS, Patrice. Divadelní slovník: slovník divadelních pojmů. Přel. Daniela Jobertová. Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2003. s. 496. Přel. z: Dictionnaire du Théâtre [1996]. ISBN 80-7008-157-0.

PŐRTNER, PAUL - Experimentální divadlo. Přel. Jan Rak. Praha: Orbis 1965. 176 s.

SEMIL, Małgorzata: Slovník světového divadla 1945 - 1990. Praha: Divadelní ústav, 1998.

Slovník literární teorie. Praha: Čs. spisovatel 1977

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Interactive class and exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria:

For successfull completion of the course a minimum of 70% class attendance, participation in class hours and completion and presentation of the final course paper in presentation form are required. The exam is a written test.

Course web page:

Individual course scheduling takes into consideration irregular excursions and are individually set.

Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16