Česká verzeČeská verze

Theory and Administration of a Multi-group Theatre 1

Register Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206SHD1 ZK 3 2/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The course aim is to introduce students to the organization of multi-ensemble theatre in a vertical and horizontal view. in statutory form, organizational and working councils of multi-ensemble theatres, their internal regulating and legal forms of multi-ensemble theatres domestically and abroad.

Mode of study:

Instruction is through instructor presentation. The course attempts to increase the level of student creativity by independently developing a given topic which is explained in their own class time. The explication is reviewed by the other students but primarily the instructor.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

The master's level seminar focuses on organization of a multi-ensemble theatre divided into drama, opera, ballet and possibly operetta with awareness that the organization of a multi-ensemble theatre has different features and peculiarities than a one-ensemble theatre. Organization of a multi-ensemble theatre is viewed both from on a general level (graph and the variety of organizational arrangements in the sense of horizontal and vertical) and with attention to detail at all levels (problems with printed music, lighting adjustments for large stages etc.) with focus on the hypothesis that the general management of a multi-ensemble theatre and its typical problems must be based on analysis and solving of general problems on the one hand and important and practical details on the other hand (relationship of setting the price of electricity to the budget of a multi-ensemble theatre).

The seminar attempts to increase students' creativity by having them work on assigned topics that they explain at the seminar. The other students and especially the instructor act as opponents during these explanations.

Recommended or required reading:

-Gregorini, Bedřich; Gregorini Jindřich; Srstka Jiří: „ Základy divadelní činnosti“, nakladatelství AMU, 2007

-Statuty vícesouborových divadel, působících v České republice

-Zprávy o hospodaření vícesouborových divadel působících v České republice

-Organizační a pracovní řády vícesouborových divadel působících v České republice

-Kolektivní smlouvy vícesouborových divadel působících v České republice

-Srstka, Jiří: „Autorské právo v divadle“, nakladatelství AMU 2006

-Obecně závazné právní předpisy vztahující se k předmětu a publikované ve Sbírce zákonů České republiky

-Holub,Milan; Fiala,Josef; Borovský Jaroslav: „Občanský zákoník-poznámkové vydání s judikaturou“, Linde Praha,a.s.,2000

-Zákoník práce včetně důvodové zprávy

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

courses, presentation of seminary papers

Assessment methods and criteria:

Conditions ofr successfull ocmpletion of the course are: Completion of the course paper and oral exam.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16