Česká verzeČeská verze

Introduction to Management & Marketing 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206ZMG1 ZK 1 2/T Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Cílem interaktivní přednášky je důkladně seznámit studenty prvního ročníku bakalářského studia produkce s nejdůležitějšími pojmy a odbornými termíny managementu a marketingu.

Tak a ne jinak by tomu mělo na začátku studia být: odborné pojmosloví je pro studenta vstupem do každého specializovaného oboru lidské činnosti, ať už jde o zedníka, právníka, lékaře... (zkusme přijmout názor, že za určitou odbornou profesi lze dnes považovat i management).

Teprve po osvojení si odborné terminologie student získává základní znalosti, jež mu umožňují další, bezpečnější pohyb v oboru. Teprve po získání základních znalostí se může student odpovědně pouštět do analýzy problémů, do hodnocení situací, do užívání znalostí v dovednostech, do aplikace v praxi.

Mode of study:

Interactive lecture, discussion, screenings

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

General knowledge at the middle-school level. Experience in organization and team and project work is welcomed.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

At the beginning of the semester students receive a list of 170 professional concepts (downloadable from www.sladecek.webnode.cz), whose learning and understanding will be assessed at the end of the semester by a written exam.

All professional terms will be presented and explained to the students in instruction. Professional terms (170 required ideas) will be presented in 17 instruction blocks.

In presentation and testing emphasis will be place on marketing

List of Individual blocks (terminology)

1. General management

2. Time management

3. Personal development management

4. Communications management

5. Working in groups and teams

6. Conflict

7. Power, influence and authority

8. Organzational structures and cultures

9. Human resources management

10. Marketing

11. Strategic management

12. Financial management

13. Production management

14. Quality management

15. Project management

16. Organization training and knowledge managment

17. Business ethics.

Recommended or required reading:


- 170 základních pojmů Managementu (na sladecek.webnode.cz )

- Petr Sládeček: Slabikář managementu (poskytnu on-line)

one's own www. research

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

interactive lecture

Assessment methods and criteria:

At the beginning of the semester the student receives a list of 170 concept (for downloading at sladecek.webnode.cz), whose management and understanding will be, at the end of the semester, assessed by a written exam. The test will contain 20 multiple choice questions of which one answer is correct, 15 correct answers of 20 is the minimum for passing. Grading scale: 20 and 19 points A, 18 and 17 points B, 16 points C, 15 points D.

All deadlines will be carefully presented and explained to the students. Students are expected to participate in class hours and work independently in the preparations for the final exam.

Part of the grade is the semester paper of 3 standard pages (approx. 5400 characters including spaces +/- 10%). At least 2/3 of the text must be devoted to the description and not assessments, etc.

Students select one of two topics:

a) My system of study and work with information,

b) My system of managing studies (work) and free time.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
místnost R501

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Wed 14:15–15:45 SLÁDEČEK P. Učebna
Karlova 26, Praha 1
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16