Česká verzeČeská verze


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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207DUS Z 1 Czech
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The student tests their skills in moderating the elements of a good discussion on a theatre form using their own professional viewpoint, ability to react to resulting situations, convincingly argue, naturally connect the artist and the public, motivate others discussing, check their resistance to stress, ability to manage conflict situations and finally, test their speaking skills and readiness to appear before a public in an professional debate.

Mode of study:

Attended course individual - student-instructor.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Communication skills, ability to clearly formulate professional viewpoints and queries.

Recommended optional programme components:
No further recommended optional study components.
Course contents:

The course content is the conception, preparation and implementation of a moderated debate with artists and audiences on theatre performances in the DISK school theatre or in other theatres or theatre events (ex: festivals). In the preparations for the debates the student closely collaborates with and consults about the concept with the instructor from a number of critique instructors of KTK and professionals from practice. The instructor is present at their own DISK-USE and works with the student afterwords on the analysis.

Recommended or required reading:

Considering the character of the course, the reading is related to the theatre performances which are the subject of DISK-USE.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

A number of previously attended theatre performances is needed. Individual consultations with the instructor. Independent preparations of the entire structure of DISK-USE and individual topics and questions. Collaboration with the performance producer. Communications with team artists.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Considering the individual nature of the student-instructor work the final grade (and the award or non-award of credit) will arise from an analysis of the student's performance with the instructor and the student's self-review. The grade reflects the professional preparations of DISK-USE and precision of the student's review of their own errors.

Course web page:
Further information:
Course may be repeated
Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16