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Development of Program Ideas for TV

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
300MPIT Z 2 2/D English summer
Subject guarantor:
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Mode of study:
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Recommended optional programme components:
No further recommended optional study components.
Course contents:

1/Student ´s own proposals and ideas are analysed and commented. We proceed to develop ideas for TV series

2/Students has to participace on both parts ? 300 MATSF Analysis of TV Formats/ on March 14 and 15.To see long number of tv series pilots/Lost,Fronte,Hatufim,Les revenants,Bryggen and killing,Real humans,Generatio war,Top of the lake,Blafl Mirror ?/ and Development of Program Ideas for TV

Giovanni Robbiano

Born: Genova, Italy, november, 25, 1958

residence: Genova, via Argonauti 18/2 16147

tel. Fax 0039 010 4041667

mobile phone: 0039 347 4210098

e-mail giorobbiano@gmail.com


- 1977 / 1983

University of Bologna - DAMS, graduate with honours

- 1987 / 1990

Fullbright scholarship, Film Division, School of the Arts, Columbia University, New York City, USA.

- 1992

Columbia University MFA, screenwriting major.

Work (teaching):

- 1987/1990 (at Columbia University)

Special assistant cinematography (1988/1989)

Special assistant to Prof. Emir Kusturica (1988/1990)

- 1991 /today

After returning to Italy (1990)

Screenwriting teacher in private and pubblic institutions at Genova, Milano, Bologna, Viterbo, Roma, L?Aquila, Rimini, Padova, Verona, Modena etc.

- 1996/2002

- Visiting Professor of screenwriting, Cimes, dipartimento di musica e spettacolo (DAMS), University of Bologna


- Professor of ?Teoria e tecnica del linguaggio cinematografico?; dipartimento di musica e spettacolo (DAMS) Universit? di Bologna.


- Trainer: Mediterranean film Institute script workshops, An UE - Media 2 project, Athens, Greece.

Appointed Head of studies in 2007/2010

During these years For Mfi lectures and teaches in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech republic, Cyprus, Belgium, Morocco.


- Professor of ?Teoria e tecnica della sceneggiatura?, University of Genova at Imperia, DAMS

- 2002-2006

- Professor of ?scrivere per I media: cinema?, IULM, Libera Universit? di lingue e comunicazione, Milano.


- Trainer, Katapult film script workshop, a UE-Media project, Budapest, Praha,

- 2007

- trainer, SMS, Summer media studio, a UE.-media project, Jodkrante, Lithuania

- 2009 RAI Training workshop, Roma, Italy, trainer

- 2010

- Erasmus exchange professor FAMU Prague, Czech Repubblic

- Scientific committee for the development of SCRIPT program, Universit? D?Evry Val d?Essonne, France.


trainer, midpoint central european script center, a UE media project, Praha, Czech repubblic

- 2011-now

Visiting professor, Universit? D?evry Val D?essonne, LEA

-2012 -now

Professor of ?audiovisual production? ? Imperia, Italy: Universit? di Genova, Universit? de NIce, PROTAVAS


Trainer, Film Teep, Bucharest, Roumania

Other work experiences:

- 1984 / 1986

Free lance essays. Publishes on: ?Target?, ?Cinema e cinema?, ?Nuovo?,

- 1986

?Pakula?, (book) Il castoro cinema no. 114, La nuova Italia Editrice, Firenze (1986)

- 1987 / 1990

Columbia University student. Many scripts for short features.

- Hired by producer Marcia Nasatir and director Hector Babenco as a translator/consultant on Hugo Pratt?s ?La ballata del mare salato? (unrealised project)

- 1995-2000

-?La sceneggiatura cinematografica? (book), Carocci editore, Roma, 2000.


weekly columnist, ?L?avvenire? ?Si fa presto a dire Tarci? (con Max Pisu)


director ?cinema a mezzogiorno? film selection at Sergio Leone Award, organized by ?associazione Sergio Leone?, Torella dei Lombardi (AV) festival director Gianni Min?.


-Columnist: ?Cinema Doc? monthly review of the Liguria film critics association.


- ?Le rapport entre narration et structure musicale dans l?oevre de kubrick? (essay) in ?Kubrick les films, les musiques? (book) L?etretemps, Paris, 2012.

As screenwriter/director/producer

A)Produced short films and documentaries


?Una notte in Italia?, short feature, (16mm BN, 3 min) screenwriter and co-director (con Matteo Zingirian) Produced by Ass. culturale Dolly bell, Genova


?Assolo? script for short feature (w. Andrea Bempensante), prod. Tark film, directed by di Marco Pozzi (1995) in competition Venice film festival

- 1998

?Uno spot contro il pregiudizio?, (short feature, Betacam, 2 min) produced by ?Il giardino dei ciliegi?, in association with the ?Ministero di Grazia e giustizia?


?Jacfkly? scriptwriter for documentary; prod. Forma international, directed by ruggero gabbai, hdvideo, 50 minutes; nationally released.


?Milan, le gru e Mimmo? (w. Mimmo Craig e Federico Brugia) directed by Federico Brugia, prod. the family film, Milano. 8 min.


?the orphan country? a documentary on Cambodia, produced by KADO, Phnomh Penh, Progetto continenti, Roma, (w. Matteo Zingirian) in post production.

Recommended or required reading:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:
Course web page:
Further information:
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The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16