Česká verzeČeská verze

Language - story - text

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Code Completion Credits Range Semester
301JPT Z 1 2/T winter
Subject guarantor:
Borjana Dodova
Name of lecturer(s):
Borjana Dodova
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Students are acquainted with a wider range of topics which link so called linguistic conversion in philosophy and in sciences. We will ask what happens when the language becomes the center of attention or begins to formalize. The system uncovered and what story begins to be told. Emphasis will be placed on the creative and imaginative part of this process. A part of the course will be reading and discussing essays or short literary writings. Students acquire a basic glimpse into some parts of semiotics, analytical philosophy and decision theory.

Mode of study:


Prerequisites and co-requisites:

žádné prerekvizity ani korekvizity

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective program elements.

Course contents:

Students are acquainted with a wider range of topics which link so called linguistic conversion in philosophy and in sciences. We will ask what happens when the language becomes the center of attention or begins to formalize. The system uncovered and what story begins to be told. Emphasis will be placed on the creative and imaginative part of this process. A part of the course will be reading and discussing essays or short literary writings. Students acquire a basic glimpse into some parts of semiotics, analytical philosophy and decision theory. This course is intended for all FAMU students.


1) Descartes's Meditation on first philosophy

2) Semiotics, arbitrariness of language symbols, ideal languages

3) Formalism, infinity, proof of God

4) Grammar and encyclopedias

5) Self-reference, Lewis Carroll and Victorian nonsense

6) Algorithm and story

7) Science and paraphysics

8) Deconstruction

9) Convention and game theory

10) Modality, fictional worlds, virtual reality

11) Utopia

12) The city as a writing.

Recommended or required reading:

René Descartes: Meditace o první filosofii

Umberto Eco: Od stromu k labyrintu

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Classes, assigned readings, discussions.

Assessment methods and criteria:

75% attendance and class participation.

Course web page:

in progress

Further information:
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
místnost 107
Učebna 1

(Lažanský palác)
Dodova B.
(paralelka 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 14:00–15:35 Dodova B. Učebna 1
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16