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Camera Work Seminar 3

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
304SK3 Z 1 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Miloslav HOLMAN, Jiří MACÁK
Name of lecturer(s):
Miloslav HOLMAN, Jiří MACÁK
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Development of knowledge from the first-year study.

Mode of study:

Development of topics discussed in the 1st year through discussions with samples. The main content is the finalization work on the METRO exercise.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of the first year.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

Course description

The theory section is linked to and develops topics covered in the „Film Image“ course of the 1st year. Expanding the acquired knowledge of the attributes of creating a film image in composition, lighting, image and editing composition of the image, exponometry, image dynamics, and film image style treatments. Generally the creation of the technical script or use of technical means used in creating the film image. Part of the will be examples of various styles of image treatments using documentary study film screenings, stagings and feature film. An important part of the course are verbal and written analyses of film works. Further, the works of the students themselves will be discussed as well as consultations regarding subject matter and issues will be resolved in other practical exercises.


The course instruction is focused on consultations, preparations and implementation of the METRO film year-end practical which the students complete independently as a study exercise. The challenging professional implementation and necessity of complete independent creative work place great demands on the students and tests the to-date acquired knowledge of film image creation and general film abilities in film production.

The content of individual courses cannot be precisely defined. It is dependent upon the current needs and interests of the students which arise from their inqueries and consultations on given professional topics or exercises. In the main these are consultations over the Short Exercises and the Large Feature Exercise

Course content

- Introduction to course material. Explanation of the goal of the METRO exercise. Asssignment and screenplay preparations for the study exercise. Assignment of the exposition trials of the film mateiral. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Work on the METRO screenplay. Image style, analysis of film image styles based on video-screenings

- Screenings and study exercises consultations with 1st year students. Evaluation of camera and exposition trials. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- METRO screenplay consultations. Image style, analys of film image styles based on video-screenings. Screenings and study exercises consultations with 1st year students. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- METRO screenplay consultations. Analysis of film image styles based on video-screenings. Screenings and study exercises consultations with 1st year students. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- METRO screenplay consultations. The image in feature and documentaries in relationship to the subject matter. Image treatment style unity, VHS examples. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Screenings and consultations on the METRO daily work and further consultations on the screenplay. Image style treatment, VHS screenings. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Image style treatments in film with analyses of examples. Non-standard recording frequencies, sharpness and fuzziness as a style treatment. Image style treatments, VHS screenings. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Screenings and consultations. METRO daily work. Film or TV example screenings

the written analysis which assigned for other courses. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Screenings and consultations over the METRO daily work. Film image style treatments based on film screenings assigned to the students. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Screenings and consultations over the METRO daily work. The subjective and objective camera in relationship to feature and documentary film. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Screenings and consultations over the METRO daily work or rough edit. Consultations over other field or group exercises. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

- Screenings and consultations over the METRO daily work or rough edit. Topical and other professional issue discussions.

Recommended or required reading:

Cinematographer manual

Američan Cinematographer

Film a filmová technika - SNTL 1974

J. Kališ: Filmové dramatické formy II

K. Fuxjager: Vztah mezi filmovým žánrem a jeho obrazovým řešením - dipl. práce 1999

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:

Attendance. activity in film exercise preparations. Maintenance of deadlines and preparations for the implementation exercise.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
místnost 230
Sborovna KK

(Lažanský palác)
(paralelka 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 14:00–15:35 MACÁK J. Sborovna KK
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16