Česká verzeČeská verze

TV Image Recording and Reproduction 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
304TSR2 ZK 2 2/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

In a continuation of 304TSR1, to clarify the technology and parameters of key equipment with which the cameraman works, that is, the camera. Optimal setting of camera parameters for the given recording regime, scene preparations (if possible). Explain the technical support of post-production operations with the aim of warning students of the possible post-production correction limits of the resulting product.

Emphasize the significance of quality image reproduction for achieving the production intentions and demostrating the development of reproduction equipment. Attention to focusing on projection and large-format depiction.

Mode of study:

Lecture, Screenings of appropriate graphic and image bases. Emphasis is placed on the use of electronic and cinematic recording and image reproduction tools.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Zápočet z předchozího předmětu 304TSR1 a 304VDT, zkouška z 304KOL.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

Course description:

This course covers recording, processing and reproduction processes in the television technology area. The content is predominantly focused on the basics and particulars of the real lighting of an image as the main input and output size in television which earlier was mentioned with consideration of overestimating and emphasizing the significance of the electronic facet of the television phenomenon. A exceptional emphasis, therefore, in these lectures, is placed on the maximal achievable quality of the resulting image as can be influenced by the cameraman in the creation of a scene and its recording and during supplementary processing and correction. Significant attention will be paid to sensitive questions of the application of film in television and particular modern approaches to the co-existence of both so specific media. An indispensible part of the lectures is an analysis of the to-date situation of television image reproduction which has been significantly limited in the application of television procedures in artistic creation. Topical lectures are linked to lectures on the basics of TV technology and knowledge of film exponometry which has expanded in TV recording and reproduction. Lectures close with the technological section of the bachelor's study.

Recommended or required reading:

O.H. Schade: I mage Quality, SMPTE Journal (USA) June 1987

H. Malvedy: Unverständliches und Verständnislosigkeit, čas. Fernseh- und Kinotechnik (SRN) Nr.7-12/1989

Metoda subjektivního hodnocení kvality televizních obrazů, dokument CCIR (též Technická informace VÚRT)

L. Blažek, J. Vrabec, V. Kasika, V. Bezděk, G. Tauš: Výroba a prezentace audiovizuálních děl II. (FAMU 1992),

Vl. Vít, Televizní technika, Projekční a velkoplošné zobrazování, BEN, Praha 2000

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Instruction is in through lectures. Consistent supplementary information on the latest technologies, particularly 3D recording and projection, supplemented with a study of transfer code systems for digital 3D TV.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Subsequent assessment:

Comprisement - according to recommendation - grading of individual elements and such:

- participation in discussions and treatment of partial on-going assigned tasks (20%)

- evaluation of the semester test (20%)

- final exam - with possible previous preparations (60%)

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
místnost 225
Učebna B KK

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 09:00–10:35 FLIEGEL K. Učebna B KK
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16