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Chapters from the History of Film Editing 3

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
306KDSS3 Z 2 2/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To guide the student to a general consideration of the history and theory of editing and to evoke their own considerations of the relation between theory and practice in film.

Mode of study:

Discussions, analyses of media recording samples, text analyses.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of „Introduction to Editing Studies.“

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements necessary.

Course contents:

The objective of the course is to introduce students to general reflections on the history and theory of editing, and to stimulate independent reflections on the relationship between theory and practice in editing. Seminar presentation themes will be selected based on the composition and interests of students and the presentations will form the basis for subsequent dialogue.

Recommended or required reading:

Barry Salt: Filmový styl a filmová technika 1895 - 1900, Iluminace 1 /95

André Bazin: Co je to film? (ČFÚ 1979) - vybrané kapitoly: Montáž zakázána; Vývoj filmové střihové skladby od nástupu zvuku; Vývoj filmové řeči.

Angloamerické studie, sborník filmové teorie (ČFÚ 1991) - vybrané kapitoly: James Monaco: Znaky a syntax; F. E. Sparshott: Základy filmové estetiky; Noell Carroll: Síla filmu; Sol Worth: Obrazy nemohou říkat ne.

Tartuská škola, sborník filmové teorie (NFA, 1995) - vybrané kapitoly: M. B. Jampolskij: Dialog a struktura filmového prostoru; J. G. Civjan: K symbolice vlaku v počátcích filmu; J. G. Civjan: K metasémiotickému popisu vyprávění ve filmu.

Artur Pelešjan: Distanční montáž, Film a doba 4 / 1986

Stanislav Ulver: Čas a globální čas ve filmu, Iluminace 2 / 1989

Maurice Merleau - Ponty: Film a nová psychologie, Iluminace 2 / 1989

Victor A. Grauer: Brakhage a teorie filmové montáže, Iluminace 3 / 1999

Jean Epstein: Poetika obrazů, Herrmann a synové 1997

Vlastimil Jiřík: Kinematografický obraz, skripta FAMU1994

Peter Mihálik: Kapitoly z filmovej teórie, Tatran 1983

Jan Bernard: Jazyk, kinematografie, komunikace, NFA 1995

D. R. Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach, Světová literatura 1/1993

Peter Gidal: Teorie & definice strukturálního/materiálního filmu. Iluminace 3/99

Geometrie živého, matematické modely morfogeneze - sborník přednášek, ČSVTS 1989

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:

Class activity

Development of the paper and its presentation

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16