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Basic Photo Chemistry 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307EBCH1 ZK 2 2/T English winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

In the theoretical part the students will be acquainted with the principle of photographic record and types of phot. materials and their processing methods.

In practical exercises the students will resume their theoretical knowledge to train manual skills in the basic processing of black and white materials as well as the skills needed for special photographic processing methods.

To summarize, the students will obtain integrated knowledge about photographic processing and the ability to completely use their photographic production..

Mode of study:

Final exam: examination paper

List of topics for the final exam:

Photographic materials

Principle of photographic record due to silver halide

(The role of silver halide; theory of latent image, basic principles of processing, photochemical laws (Grotthus-Draper l., Bunsen-Roscoe l., Einstein l., Schwarzschild effect)

Photographic emulsion

Photographic emulsion ? the collection of AgHal micro crystals (influence of micro-crystals on sensitivity, granularity, contrast; improving sensitivity-granularity ratio due to new types of emulsion grains: T-grains, shell-core grains, epitaxial grains)

Production of photographic emulsion

Optical sensitation

Processing of photographic materials

Black&White photographic materials

Chemical development (principle of chem. development,; develop. agents; composition of developing solution).

Physical development (principle of physic. development; composition of developing solution).

Kinetics of development

Fixing (chemical principle, types of fixers)


Special photographic processing

Diffusion effects

Reducing and intensifying



Black&White reversal process

(Structure and processing of B&W reversal materials)

Colour photographic materials

Light and colour ? additive and subtractive colours

Physical principle of colour photographic record

Chemical principle of colour photographic record

Types of colour photographic materials

Negative-positive system (record principle and processing)

Colour reversal materials (record principle and processing)

Kodachrome (record principle and processing)

Colour materials based on diffusing processes

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

there are no prerequisitions

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

In the theoretical part the students will be acquainted with the principle of photographic record and types of phot. materials and their processing methods.

In practical exercises the students will resume their theoretical knowledge to train manual skills in the basic processing of black and white materials as well as the skills needed for special photographic processing methods.

To summarize, the students will obtain integrated knowledge about photographic processing and the ability to completely use their photographic production..

Recommended or required reading:

C.E.Kenneth Mees, The Theory of the Photographic process, The Macmillan Comp., New York 1945.

Šimek J., Základy fotochemie, Praha AMU 1983

Tomášek Z., Fotografické chemikálie, Merkur, 1982

Junge K.W., Hubner G. Fotografická chemie, český překlad, Praha SNTL 1983

Šimková M., Šimek J. Kvalifikační příručka pro fotografa a laboranta, Praha Práce 1973

Šimek J. Fotografické techniky, Praha Práce 1969

Souček L., Speciální fotografické techniky, Praha Orbis 1967

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:


Practice: 4 black white photographs of 30 x 40 cm format (development kinetics)

Final exam: examination paper

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16