Česká verzeČeská verze

Photography Techniques 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307ETEFG1 Z 3 26/S Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim of this subject is to introduce the students with the physical rudiments of photography together with the applied exhibitions of specific tasks. The students will also learn how to use technical equipment of the Department of Photography, including the ways how to compare images processed by the analogue and digital technologies.

Mode of study:

On the practical examples students are taught how to realize assignments taking pictures of different surfaces with respect to the appropriate sharpness and lighting conditions with possibilities of Scheimpflug principle. Students also learn how to take pictures of geometric objects in the space with focus on differences in lighting ratios of main and additional light source, light measuring of the scene and taking care of the ranges of objects.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

There are no prerequisites or co-requisites needed for enrollment to this course.

Recommended optional programme components:

There are no optional programme components needed for enrollment to this course.

Course contents:

1. The aim of this subject is to introduce the students with the physical rudiments of photography together with the applied exhibitions of specific tasks. The students will also learn how to use technical equipment of the Department of Photography, including the ways how to compare images processed by the analogue and digital technologies.

On the practical examples students are taught how to realize assignments taking pictures of different surfaces with respect to the appropriate sharpness and lighting conditions with possibilities of Scheimpflug principle. Students also learn how to take pictures of geometric objects in the space with focus on differences in lighting ratios of main and additional light source, light measuring of the scene and taking care of the ranges of objects.

a) Daylight and studio light, different kinds of light, basic principles, possibilities of changing the light character and mastering the light. Advantages of particular systems.

b) Rudiments of exponometry, fotometrical units, different types of measuring appliance, advantages and ways of measuring and controlling, luminance range of the scene, exponometrical tools, zonal system.

c) Basic kinds of cameras, their construction, advantages and use.

d) Theory of displaying, lens´ construction and defects, resolution.

Practical assignment: work with Sinar camera - making 1 print under glass with grey and colour model - demonstration of transferring colours into black and white spectrum, deciding on the right exposure, and demonstration of ways of developing using the tank JOBO 9x12 cm.

(1 photo 24x30cm has to be submitted)

2. Photograph of the surface structure of a subject with practical use of Scheimpflug´s condition and developing with using tank JOBO. Sinar camera will be used with flat cassettes 9x12cm.

(1 enlargement 30x40cm has to be submitted)

3. Perspective and focal length, equalization of perpendiculars - restitution, deciding on light range of the scene in a studio.

Practical assignment: making 1 composition of geometrical subjects with different lighting (each surface 1 EV difference) and perspective, using restitution in one picture using Sinar Camera 18x24 cm. Making 1 composition of geometrical subjects using Sinar Camera and roll film 6x9 with no other specified conditions.

(1 index print 18x24 cm and 1 enlargement 30x40 have to be submitted)

4. Work with large format camera Sinar. Taking picture under daylight conditions and making huge enlargements from the 18x24 cm cassette. These enlargement will be done in Studio Beroun during the moduls in both winter and summer semester.

The assignments have to be presented continuously, always after finishing each topic, not at the end of the semester.

Participation: the students will not be graded unless they have at least 80% attendance in the course.

Recommended or required reading:

ZAORAL, Ladislav. Fyzikální základy fotografie, 1956

SCHRODER, Gottfried. Technická optika, 1981

JIRÁČEK, M., HÁLKOVÁ, A., MORÁVEK, J. Fotografický slovník, 1955

JIRÁČEK, M. Ostrost a osvit fotografického obrazu

ŠMOK, Ján. Umělé světlo 1978

Scheufler, Mikš, Růžek, Spevák, Stýblo, Jiráček, Opočenský. Technické základy fotografie 2002

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lectures, seminars and special exercise.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Attendance at least 80%.

Fulfillment of all assignments.

Passing the final oral exam.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16