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Working with a Computer and Digital Imaging 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307PPD1 Z 1 26/S Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

This course is focused on acquiring basic knowledge about digital bitmap images within the breadth of the entire workflow - its acquisition, editing and finalization. Instruction is both in the theory and in practice.

Mode of study:

In the theory section students will be introduced to the basic concepts of digital photography - manners of defining colors (color models), image data compression models and basic image (bitmap) graphics formats.

Further, it will be explained to students the basic functions and principles of peripherals used in creation and finalization of a digital image.

In the practical section, which will penetrate the theory part, attention will be focused on photo editing in Adobe Photoshop. Students will edit photos in a given range of exercises as well as their own edits (according to exercises assigned by Mgr. Stecker).

Attention will be devoted to basic principles of color correction and application of ICC profiles in the Adobe Photoshop inspection view and in printing.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

Course description:

Students will, in the theory section, be introduced to the basic concepts in digital photography - manners of defining colors (color models), image data compression methods, and the basic image (bitmap) graphics formats.

Further, will be explained the basic functions and principles of peripherals used in creating and finalizing digital images.

In the practical section which will penetrate the theory part, attention will be focused on photo editing in Adobe Photoshop. Students will edit photos both according to a range of assigned exercises as well ans their own |(according to exercises assigned by Mgr. Stecker).

Attention will be devoted also to basic color correction principles and ICC profiles in Adobe Photoshop preview and in printing.

Lecturer: Ing. Jiří Petera

Contact: 603 761 747, peterajiri@seznam.cz

Recommended or required reading:

Doporučená literatura:

Digitální fotografie, Jan Ponec, Milič Jiráček: Univezita Palackého v Olomouci, 2002;

Color Manegemen Systém, Pavel Kočička: Grafie CZ,s.r.o., Praha 2003;

Správa barev, Bruce Fraser, Chris Murhy, Fred Bunting: Computer Press, Brno 2003;

Manuals - Adobe Photoshop CS;

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:


Assessment methods and criteria:


The exam is comprised of the processing of the assigned exercises in Adobe Photoshop and an oral part in which the student demonstrates knowledge of theory. In the final evaluation taken into consideration is the on-going particpation and activity in instruction.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16