Česká verzeČeská verze

Advertising and Fashion Photography 1

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307RFO1 Z 1 13/S Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Considering fashion and portrait photography in the context of modern art and pushing the boundaries of traditional commercial photography. During the course are planned discussions with the Art directors of Dolce Vita and Elle magazines about the students' work and as well a presentation of significant Czech photographers.

Mode of study:

A combination of critical evaluation of the submitted tasks and exercises /portrait and fashion in interiors and exteriors using flash/.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components:
No further recommended optional study components.
Course contents:

This course focuses on the development of trends in modern fashion and portrait photography and presents the most important people of modern fashion and portraiture. An important element of the course will be discussions about the sociological context of fashion and the influence of that phenomenon on photography. Photography, currently is part of the wide spectrum of social influences whose crossovers create our collective perceptions. More and more we see the effects of communication strategies in which the idea and its communication is united with entertainment. Entertainment is not the direct aim but primarily an effective tool which makes the information content more digestible, popularizes it and promotes it.

Practical: The course is divided into two cycles.

A) Winter Semester - 2 week task with individual topics focused on the idea and quality of technical development of the assigned topic.

B) Summer semester - project exhibition.

Consultations and work critiques will occur in group classes.

Project results in the Summer semester will be a exhibition collection on a selected or assigned topic conceived by the student.

Recommended or required reading:

Roland Barthes; Svetlá komora - poznámky k fotografii

Susan Sontag On Photography

Susan Sontag Regarding the Pain Of Others

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit and exam are awarded based on the evaluation of the submitted work with a consideration of the idea, quality of technical performance and maitenance of the original assignment.....

An important criterium for grading is the students participation in at least 60% of lectures and group discussions..

Course web page:
Further information:
Course may be repeated
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16