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Introduction to Intl Film/TV Producing

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
311IIP Z 3 2/T English winter and summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

By the end of the semester students will have a solid understanding of the important aspects of film and TV production with an international perspective. Students will be able to present a written film project using basic marketing, financing, planning and budgeting tools.

Mode of study:

Interactive lectures, analyses of selected websites, work in groups, visits to production houses.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

This course is intended for students of all film, television and general media professions and does not require any previous specialized knowledge.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective elements necessary for completing this course.

Course contents:

This course focuses on the work and art of a film and television producer, the craft of the person who serves as 1) Highly skilled and organized project manager 2) Counterpart and/or partner to director and screenwriter 3) And on occasion, creative author of a project. A producer leads the dialogue in a project (i.e. feature, documentary, newscast, sports magazine, whatever) that ultimately generates a result agreeable to the desired audience in the appropriate country and, ideally, in the broader international landscape, while also bringing in a positive financial reward. The key areas of information for a producer (and this class) are marketing, financing, budgeting, legal and business affairs in the stages of project development, all stages of production and distribution.

Recommended or required reading:

-sladecek.webnode.cz/FAMU International/Glossary of terms

-sladecek.webnode.cz/FAMU International/Textbook

Recommended Texts:

-The Guerilla Film Maker?s Handbook, Chris Jones and Genevieve Joliffe, Continuum Intl Publishing Group ? Academi, London-New York, 2000 ? 2003, ISBN 0826447139

-Guerilla Film Makers Movie Blueprint, Chris Jones, Continuum Intl Publishing Group ? Academi, London-New York, 2003, ISBN 082641453

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Interactive lectures, peer group instruction.

Assessment methods and criteria:


This course is suitable for all film and TV students studying production, script writing, directing, editing etc.. The course provides a basic introduction into the most important aspects of film and TV producing. No previous knowledge is required.

Reading of a special Textbook and Glossary of terms is required and materials (handouts) are assigned for some classes. The course exams will be based on the topics discussed in the class and the assigned readings. Participation in class discussions is expected.

To simulate real-life producer's work, a written project will require students to be creative, use any and/or all accessible resources, independently deal with information gaps in some project areas and take responsibility for discovering and putting together "the missing pieces? through additional online research and/or discussions with more experienced peers. The final project involves formal, professional and quality reporting that demonstrates a student?s sound judgment and application of the knowledge gained in and outside of the classroom. Creativity, attention to detail and an ability to deal with imprecise guidelines towards the fulfillment of this assignment are all part of this project's objective and will be included in the assessment.

Class attendance:

A student may omit up to 20% of the classes provided they are familiar with the subject matter from their own professional learning experience. Extra consultations for missed classes will not be provided.

Academic Honesty Policy:

Presenting work other than one?s own, using unauthorized assistance on exams, or submitting the same paper in two classes is not tolerated and may lead to dismissal from the program.

Classroom decorum:

Please turn off cell phones when in class. Come to class on time and try not to leave and enter while class is in session; previous students have indicated they find such behavior disturbing. Laptops are welcome for taking class notes but a student may not use a computer other than for class purposes (i.e. no checking email, instant messaging or unauthorized use of internet).


The final grade consists of a written examination. The exam involves 1) a film/TV project submitted by all students. All students will submit their written projects (film, TV, documentary etc., real or made up) by e-mail due the date (deadline) that will be announced. The projects that miss the deadline will not be accepted or will be downgraded. The assessment criteria: Feasibility (25%), Completeness (25%), Quality of Each Part (25%) and Simplicity (25%). The exam also includes 2) the written test that covers all important knowledge areas of the course (20 closed questions, a), b) c), d) answers, min. 15 correct answers necessary).

Grades are on an A, B, C, D, E, FX, F scale. The quality of the project represents 60% of the final grade, the score in the knowledge test represents 30% of the final grade and class attendance and activity in the class represents the last 10% of the grade.

Course web page:


Detailed syllabus available upon request in FAMU International office.

Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
místnost 107
Učebna 1

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 08:30–10:00 SLÁDEČEK P. Učebna 1
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
místnost 107
Učebna 1

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 09:00–10:35 SLÁDEČEK P. Učebna 1
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16