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Copyright in the digital age

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373MAPDV Z 2 4/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Expanding students' knowledge of copyright applied specifically to digitally distributed pieces.

Mode of study:


Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No knowledge requirements.

Recommended optional programme components:

according to lecture topic

Course contents:

Discussion meetings for current situations in publishing and distributing images, sound, writings and books.

1. public and private, mobility and open or closed networks

2. open access - free and open access to education and knowledge

3. contemporary models of publishing practice in digital environments

4. works, publishing and distributing moving images, music, writings and books

5. creative commons, piracy, peer to peer

Similar to the invention of priniting technology changing manuscript culture and opening authorship and intellectual property issues, access to digital network technology has brought access and democracy to the value and disposition of information. Internet devices and www offer individuals and communities participation in artistic and scientific activities. Digital networks have shifted the level of mobility, speed of broadcasting and accest to media for publicizing (cultural) content. It has changed as well the idea of what authorship and intellectual property means.

Parts of academic and scientific research institute around the world publish results of intellectual activities (writings, image archives, software, music) in publically accessible systems (Open Access - OA or Creative Commons - CC). The motivation for such a stance and the economic and civic gesture offers an alternative to the market model of communications within civil, scientific and artistic communities and to economic and ideological systems of neo-liberalism in general. Some artistic intiatives publicise and distribute works of art on the internet and by the same principle they sometimes come into conflict with powerful institutions.

The marking „open access“ means - „open access to the public internet, allowing random users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or create links to entire content of those articles, harvest for indexing, transfer it as data for software, or use it for other legal aims without financial, legal or technical limits with exception of those which are an inseparable part of the access to the internet itself. The only limit to reproduction and distributions and the only applicable copyright protection in this area should provide the creator control over the integrity of their work and right to a number of acknowledgements and listed authorship“

Peer to per, P2P, or client-client is the same marking as a decentralized electronic network where individual users communicate directly.

As well, economic, or monetary systems, alternative to majority societal political systems.

Recommended or required reading:

HRABÁNEK, Jiří. Film z hlediska autorského práva. Vyd. 2., Praha: Leges, 2011

OSTROUCHOV, Petr: Autorské právo; AMU, 2005

ÚZ č.1021-Autorské právo 2014; Sagit, 2014


Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lectures, discussions

Assessment methods and criteria:

100% attendance, short analysis of one's school work in which it is possible to apply copyright issues.

Course web page:

Lecturer biography:

Judr. Mgr Jan Vobořil is Executive Director of Luridicul Remedium, who studied at Charles University School of Law and Faculty of Philosophy (history - economic and social history). At LuRe he is the legal expert and specializes in the protection of personal information and privacy.

Further information:
This course is an elective for all AMU students
Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
10.04.2015 11:00–15:00 VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ M. Institut intermédií - Dejvice
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16