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Grant writing for Artists

Register Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373MGWFA Z 1 1/D English winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

to teach students to prepare for a professional career as an artist in terms of requesting residencies, grants, projects, exhibitions.

Mode of study:

lecture with examples

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

: Please bring your own project proposal ideas and information to prepare a CV/bio with images and or videos of your work already online.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

how to write a project proposal or grant application

Recommended or required reading:

various grant and residency applications.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

The day will be divided into two parts. In the morning Eric Rosenzveig will approach basic requirements. In the afternoon the group will divide into two and Eric Rosenzveig will use as an example of a project to be decided upon by the group and Martin Blaž?ček will go through a Czech Ministry of Culture grant. The orientation of the module will depend on which students will decide to participate.

Martin Blaž?ček se zaměř? na praktickou př?padovou studii grantovŽ ž?dosti kulturn?ho projektu pro ř?zen? Magistr?tu hlavn?ho města Praha. Studii je však možnŽ aplikovat na většinu běžných grantových ž?dost? v ČR (MKČR, IVF a dalš?). V průběhu modul každý śčastn?k ve spolupr?ci s lektorem samostatně připrav? uk?zkový n?vrh projektu, jeho rozpočet a souvisej?c? dokumentaci.

Assessment methods and criteria:

grant/project proposal written based on their own work including CV, budget, schedule, description

Course web page:

The same skills are required for applying for a gallery show, festival presentation, residency or project funding. ?1. How to frame and describe your work and your goals in the application. ?2. How to provide support materials including bio/CV, schedule, budget, work examples, www links, etc.

In addition to his own art practice Eric Rosenzveig is the Dept. chair of CAS at FAMU and a longtime arts administrator. He was Director of the NYC sound art gallery Engine 27 and is currently Executive Director of the NYC based contemporary dance company Liz Gerring Dance. He has successfully received grants from all levels of the Canadian Government for his own artworks; from various NY based arts organizations for his own work and that of the dance company he works with; for projects at CAS here in the Czech Republic; has served on juries for video, new media and sound art art including residencies, projects and presentations.

Martin Blaž?ček HYPERLINK "http://blazicek.net/"http://blazicek.net/ is an artist and academic whose work is focussed on live cinema.

Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
21.11.2014 10:00–17:00 BLAŽÍČEK M. Učebna 3
Lažanský palác
Suggested mainly for CAS, Photography, Production and Erasmus students paralelka 1
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16