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Pentium History of Audiovision: History of Photography 1

Register Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373PDF1 ZK 2 4/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The history and theory of photography is a series of lectures tracing the main development of artistic and documentary photography of the 20th century.

The course is focused on photography of the 20th century around the world. The development of photography is traced on the background of the social climate, fine arts and technological changes. Part of the course is independent reading of recommended writings and aside from Czech in at least one other language.

Mode of study:

„Photography History and Theory“ is a cycle of lectures following the main development of artistic and documentary photography of the 19th century.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Credit awarded at the end of each semester.

Condition: Obligatory interpretive presentation of any photographer during the semester before the other students and submission of the essay accompanying the presentation.

Recommended optional programme components:


Course contents:

Defined in the syllabus

Recommended or required reading:

Ammann, Jean-Christophe: XL-Photography: Art Collection Neue Borse

Badger, Gerry, Martin Parr : Photobook, The: A History - Volume I

Barrett, Terry: Criticizing Photographs: An Introduction to Understanding Images

Bates, David: Photography and Surrealism : Sexuality, Colonialism and Social Dissent

Birgus, V. - Scheufler, P.: Fotografie v českých zemích 1839 - 1999. Grada, Praha 1999

Boot, Chris: Magnum Stories

Brooks, Adam: Subjective Realities: The Refco Collection of Contemporary Photography

Brothers Caroline War and Photography: A Cultural History

Campany David: Art and Photography

Fernandez, Horacio: Fotografia Publica: Photography in Print

Finnegan, Cara A.: Picturing Poverty: Print Culture and Fsa Photographs

De Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Agnes, Jean-Claude Lemagny, Alain Sayag: 20th Century French Photography

Fogle, Douglas, Kathy Halbreich:The Last Picture Show: Artists Using Photography 1960-1982

Frizot M. (ed.): A New History of Photography. Könemenn, Köln 1998 Gernsheim, H. & A.: A Consice History On Photography. Thames and Hudson, London 1971

Grosenick, Uta, Ilka Becker: Women Artists in the 20th and 21st Century

Haworth-Booth, M.: The Golden Age of British Photography 1839 - 1900. Aperture, New York 1994

Stefan Iglhaut (Editor): Photography After Photography: Memory and Representation in the Digital Age

Janda, J.: Kamery obskury, fotografické přístroje z let 1840 - 1940. NTM, Praha 1986

Johnson, William S: Photography from 1839 to Today: George Eastman House, Rochester

Kertess, Klaus: Photography Transformed : The Metropolitan Bank and Trust Collection

Koetzle, H.-M.: Slavné fotografie. Historie skrytá za obrazy I. Taschen Slovart, Köln/Praha 2003

Krauss, Rosalind, Jane Livingston, Dawn Ades: L'Amour fou : Photography and Surrealism

Kruger, Barbara: Remote Control: Power, Cultures, and the World of Appearances

Lebeck, Robert: Kiosk. A History of Photojournalism

Lemagny, J.-C., Rouillé A.: A History of Photography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and

Levine, Robert M: Insights into American History: Photographs as Documents

Giovanni Lista: Futurism and Photography

Russell Miller: Magnum: Fifty Years at the Front Line of History:

Neto, Mario Cravo, Michael Herzog-Hans LA Mirada: Looking at Photography in Latin America Today

Rosenblum Naomi: A history of women photographers

Rosenbulum, N.: A World History of Photography. Abbeville Press, New York1997

Scheufler, P.: Historické fotografické techniky. IPOS ARTAMA. Praha 1993

Scheufler, P.: Teze k dějinám fotografie do roku 1914. Učební texty FAMU, Praha 2000

Scheufler, P.: Galerie c. k. fotografů. Grada, Praha 2001

Szarkowski, J.: Photography untill Now, The Museum of Modern Art, NY 1989

Yapp, N.: 150 Years of Photo Journalism. Volume I. Könemann, Köln 1995 (1.vyd.)

Co je fotografie, 150 let fotografie, Videopress, Praha1989

Warner Marien, Mary: Photography: A Cultural History

Weiermair, Peter: The Measure of All Things: The Synthesis of Photography and Text

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

This course focuses on photography in the 20th century worldwide. The development of photography is studied on the background of the societal climate of fine arts and technological changes. Part of the course is individual readings of recommended literature, not only in Czech but at least one other language.


Each student is required during each semester, to complete one essay in the history of photography on a topic of their choice. (limited only to the 20th century - but not in location or methodology) The paper is based on literature and that literature is cited. This essay must be complemented by an image section and presented as a lecture for classmates in the same study year. This presentation is necessary for a grade. Therefore, the personal viewpoint of the student and ability to work with trade literature are required. Each lecture should have a combination of multiple sources and evaluation of those sources. Those sources must be precisely cited. Students receive from their classmates and the instructor an evaluation of their lecture. That evaluation is not only feedback but an activation of the critique skills of the other students.

Asside from the fundamental literature, an emphasis will be placed on original books and monographs and linked to theory literature.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Each student is required during each semester to complete one essay in the history of photography on a topic of their choice. (Limited only in time to the 20th century - but not in space or method.) A requirement of the work is working with sources and their presentation. This essay must be supplemented with a image section and presented as a lecture for their co-students in the same study year. This presentation is necessary for student assessment. Required is the personal viewpoint as well as the ability to work with literature. Each lecture should be a combination of multiple resources and an evaluation of those resources. Those resources must be presented precisely. The student receives an assessment from the instructor and their classmates for their lecture. That assessment is not only feedback but an activation of critical skills of the other students.

Aside from general fundamental literature, an emphasis is placed on original books and monographs and linked to theory literature.

Course web page:

This course takes place for first and second year students together every 2 years. It has been announced for the 2014/2015 school year.

Further information:
This course is an elective for all AMU students
Schedule for winter semester 2014/2015:
místnost 124
Projekce FAMU

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Wed 14:50–18:05 SCHEUFLER P. Projekce FAMU
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2014/2015:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2015-06-16