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New Media 2

Zobrazit rozvrh

Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307ENEM2 ZK 2 13/S anglicky letní
Garant předmětu:
Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

The assignments were selected in such a way, that they would provide for maximum level of independence within the students? creative work with the objective to channel their future interest mainly on the area of creative work

Forma studia:

Assignments: (assignment 2P4)

WS: I. Create one photograph, composition of which will be derived from some classical still-life painting (for example Dutch still-life from the 17th century), but you do not have to use the same objects.

II. Create photographs of different kind of modern still-lives:

a.apparently stylized (at least two photographs)


Technical requirements: photographs of the WS have to be at least 30x40cm in size, the first photograph (one inspired by an old painting) has to be done traditionally through the negative/positive technique without digital manipulation. Others, according to student?s own choice, can be either classical or digital prints.

Deadlines: written explanation by the end of October, photographs by the end of the summer semester

SS: Create a series of still-lives (at least six photographs), style of which and approach to will be specified in a written explanation which has to be handed in prior to starting to work on this part of the assignment. This work is to be of a free and creative nature.

Technical requirements: Format and technology depend on explanation and will be approved by teacher, traditional or digital prints

Deadlines: written explanation by the end of February, all photographs by the end of the summer semester.

Předpoklady a další požadavky:

absolvování kurzu creative photography 1

Obsah kurzu:

Course Description:

The ability to ?construct? an image, including the corresponding tonal and light solutions, is the prime condition for fulfilling these assignments. The assignments were selected in such a way, that they would provide for maximum level of independence within the students? creative work with the objective to channel their future interest mainly on the area of creative work

Assignments: (assignment 2P4)

WS: I. Create one photograph, composition of which will be derived from some classical still-life painting (for example Dutch still-life from the 17th century), but you do not have to use the same objects.

II. Create photographs of different kind of modern still-lives:

a.apparently stylized (at least two photographs)


Technical requirements: photographs of the WS have to be at least 30x40cm in size, the first photograph (one inspired by an old painting) has to be done traditionally through the negative/positive technique without digital manipulation. Others, according to student?s own choice, can be either classical or digital prints.

Deadlines: written explanation by the end of October, photographs by the end of the summer semester

SS: Create a series of still-lives (at least six photographs), style of which and approach to will be specified in a written explanation which has to be handed in prior to starting to work on this part of the assignment. This work is to be of a free and creative nature.

Technical requirements: Format and technology depend on explanation and will be approved by teacher, traditional or digital prints

Deadlines: written explanation by the end of February, all photographs by the end of the summer semester.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Arnheim Rudolf. Art and Visual Perception, University of California Press, London 1997

Baxandall Michael, Shadows and enlightenment, New Haven; Yale University Press, London 1995

Berger John. Ways of Seeing. Penguin Books 1972

Francastel Pierre, Peinture et société, Denoel/Gonthier, Paris 1977

Gombrich E. H., Art and Illusion, Princeton University Press 2000 Princetown and Oxford

Hoy Anne H. Fabrications: Staged, Altered and appropriated Photographs, Abeville Press, New York 1987

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

Assignments: (assignment 2P4)

WS: I. Create one photograph, composition of which will be derived from some classical still-life painting (for example Dutch still-life from the 17th century), but you do not have to use the same objects.

II. Create photographs of different kind of modern still-lives:

a.apparently stylized (at least two photographs)


Technical requirements: photographs of the WS have to be at least 30x40cm in size, the first photograph (one inspired by an old painting) has to be done traditionally through the negative/positive technique without digital manipulation. Others, according to student?s own choice, can be either classical or digital prints.

Deadlines: written explanation by the end of October, photographs by the end of the summer semester

SS: Create a series of still-lives (at least six photographs), style of which and approach to will be specified in a written explanation which has to be handed in prior to starting to work on this part of the assignment. This work is to be of a free and creative nature.

Technical requirements: Format and technology depend on explanation and will be approved by teacher, traditional or digital prints

Deadlines: written explanation by the end of February, all photographs by the end of the summer semester.

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